Recent content by CrazyAsYou

  1. CrazyAsYou

    Blue Iris UI3

    The simple and best solution is to not use Chrome/Edge/Safari etc and stick with a good browser like Firefox :)
  2. CrazyAsYou

    5.8.9 - March 4 - 29, 2024

    Nice, I do love a nice flow diagram
  3. CrazyAsYou

    INSPIRATION: Homeassistant (HA)

    So, I’ve had BI and HA (along with loads of other smart home, automation and home lab type stuff running for years) Keeping just to BI and HA. Like many others I run BI with CP.AI looking for people and cars at the front and rear of my property, however for me when BI/CP.AI triggers an alert, I...
  4. CrazyAsYou

    Blue Iris Updates - Official Thread

    Yes, running fine on one of my systems, AMD CPU, Nvidia GPU with CUDA enabled for the CP.AI
  5. CrazyAsYou

    5.8.0 - September 27, 2023

    OK so 24hrs since my upgrade, I’ve not had any issues, I’ve even made various config changes to some of my cams to test and everything is working great. Feels like the recent changes are mainly cosmetic.
  6. CrazyAsYou

    5.8.0 - September 27, 2023

    Installed and working fine so far. Before After Before I'll report back later today if I have any issues
  7. CrazyAsYou

    v5 run as service asking for system pw

    You don't have to reinstall, create a new 2nd user account, make it a local account and also an administrator account, with a password, tell the blue iris service to use that account and use your current account linked to MS with your pin as normal
  8. CrazyAsYou

    Question about Blue Iris and Home Assistant on the Same Machine

    You won't have any issues running BI and HA and CP.AI and other stuff all on the same PC providing it have enough RAM/memory to cope, I've done this for years without any problems. Unless you plan to have many cameras, an older 6th gen i5 or i7 (I think it was Intel Skylake) system/desktop PC...
  9. CrazyAsYou

    Possible to have BI sent audio motion detection notification to Alexa ?

    Home Assistant is a very very deep rabbit hole and is very addictive, you start off with a few smart lights, and before you know it you have a whole smart home, lighting, heating, sensors, CCTV feeds, automation routines, hottub control, vacuum cleaner my list goes on and on and smart control...
  10. CrazyAsYou

    Possible to have BI sent audio motion detection notification to Alexa ?

    I'm doing this in two different ways on two different BI systems. At my mums house, I use Voice Monkey because It's very simple to set up for a simple Alexa announcement that there is motion. "Someone is at the front door" when there is a person at the front of the house/driveway. On my...
  11. CrazyAsYou

    Blue Iris Windows 11 or Windows Server?

    I've got a Blue Iris and Code Project AI (with CUDA) running perfectly well on two systems, Windows 10 Pro and Windows 11 Home - I don't notice any difference between them for the purpose of BI and CP.AI, but I much prefer day to day usage of Win10 over Win11 mainly due to the OS UI (Windows 11...
  12. CrazyAsYou


    Solid State Drives (SSD) Do not need to be defrag, but do need optimization to TRIM the drive (make old deleted blocks ready to be writable again) even this is not critical as modern OS and modern drives TRIM on the fly without issues. Hard Disks (HDD standard magnetic spinning drives) that are...
  13. CrazyAsYou

    just got home starting my computer and clicked on Blue Iris icon and got this

    Certs don't work like this. The issuer is NOT BI it's a CA (certificate authority) company like Verisign, GoDaddy, DigiCert, Thawte, GloabalSign etc etc - They generate chains of trust by generating CAs from their heavily guarded root CA and then eventually down the chain they sign certificates...
  14. CrazyAsYou

    v5 run as service asking for system pw

    I would recommend setting a password to log in to your PC, if your house is broken into and your PC stolen it will offer a little more protection, ideally you want a password/pin and also enable Windows bitlocker (drive encryption) at least on the boot drive.
  15. CrazyAsYou Aug 14, 2023

    So If I understand correctly, this update means that now is the time to sell all my 1080p Dahua cam and upgrade to 8K Reolinks - eBay and Amazon here I come.