Recent content by garycrist

  1. garycrist

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    The problem with the New York City jurists.. "They like BILLIONS" too.
  2. garycrist

    It's PRIDE Month....

    Naaa, we have to do nothing! My BOSS if fixin' to fix it!
  3. garycrist

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    There have not been very many events that have galvanized the American Public so strongly. Most have not lived through very many that serve as an example. Some are December 7 1941 another Democrat started war, make no mistake. Truman needed Korea. Now after we see how crooked the Clintons are...
  4. garycrist

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Pray for them before it is too late!
  5. garycrist

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Thank you all, as now I know what the "Ignore" function does! AAAHHH no more.
  6. garycrist

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    It is too bad people don't understand Employers! All of the A55HOLES on TV are EMPLOYEES!:clap:
  7. garycrist

    Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?

    All of this war is IMHO is the beginnings or lead-up to a far grander and wide spread set of events. Soon more "cannon fodder" will be needed to sustain the hacks in DC.
  8. garycrist

    Hello world!

    I used to live in Sevilla. Have some fun too!
  9. garycrist

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    I noticed back in the early 90's how squishy Park Rangers became. Especially the females. And like all of the little "amimules" they protect, it was tough to work with them as they all had their territory and pecking order.
  10. garycrist

    Funny / Satire

    Best hobby I got my wife into too, was metal detecting. We usually more than paid for out outings in completion hunts. She was a killer too. Digging huts in Virginia was some real apex hunting (for the US). Here is a video of the "White Oak Museum" in Stafford VA. It causes one to think about...
  11. garycrist

    bidens incredible transition to electric cars

    I've lived a great life, compliments of automobiles! I had a lot of those certifications that didn't do a thing except clog a drawer. The only thing I worried about is not getting buried with too much and too deep! I have NEVER seen so many people willing to cut off their nose in spite of...
  12. garycrist

    The BBQ thread

    No I've done my own but too much fats after the gall bladder bit.
  13. garycrist

    The BBQ thread

    When I do a brisket, Costco has PRIME grade in the bag. Try a 2 week 1st. and the 1st. thing you will notice is a nice Corn finish and smell (not strong) when opening the bag. I will do a quick rinse and pat dry. And as you said Salt and Pepper. I'll also do a dry aged chunk of Rib-Eyes for 3...
  14. garycrist

    The BBQ thread

    If you really love brisket, have you ever "wet aged" one? Stored in the bag @ 33 to38 degrees for 2-3 weeks, will bring out the flavors!!! I'll also smoke a potato on my Treager with a smoke tube for 4-6 hours (cold smoke) the wrap and cook!
  15. garycrist

    Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

    A song to go with the above "Women"