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  1. J

    Dahua AI

    I wish they could pull the Dahua AI code from the firmware and write it for windows, so we could use that instead of code project, so good.
  2. J

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    I have been running 2.6.2. When I installed it I only used Yolo8, no other modules installed, and it had been like that for the first two weeks of my checking it, just Yolo 8 installed. Then suddenly I looked yesterday and it had installed Face,, and Yolo 5.6.2. How does that happen?
  3. J

    PTZ5A4M-25X vs PTZ4M-25X

    Thank you much! Super helpful, especially the examples Guess I am saving up for the good one :)
  4. J

    iOS push notifications stopped working

    I have been having this issue lately as well, usually on BI update iphone Only solution delete devices from BI delete app on phones re-install app on phones configure app make sure they show in BI and with push reboot phone enable notifications for Bi on phone works again, but what a pain
  5. J

    PTZ5A4M-25X vs PTZ4M-25X

    Looking to update one front camera to tracking I have an overview camera as well I only need identify out to about 80ft I do have fairly low light at night Is the only real advantage for me the low light capability of the PTZA4M? Or are there any other pros cons between the two? I will be...
  6. J

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    Getting this weird image in the last two-ish frames of a cancelled alert, in the ai view of dat file. Ai or Bi issue? What can I do/check Everything has been working fine for a long while before today. Bi CP
  7. J

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    Doe anyone have YOLO V8 working? Would like to switch, but I guess I would also need a new version of and
  8. J

    2 Innovative Features in Frigate v0.13 that I would love to see in BlueIris

    Like the audio trigger idea, like maybe for a fire alarm, to trigger camera record or a Bark
  9. J

    IVS, Tripwire, ONVIF, AI Fail

    Record via BI. I just use ONVIF trigger alone to record instead of running the ONVIF trigger through CP AI
  10. J

    IVS, Tripwire, ONVIF, AI Fail

    Won't solve your problem, but: I don't use Bi AI on my ivs cameras, the Dahua AI is much more accurate imo, I just let them record if the camera triggered
  11. J

    Good deal Annke 180 degree dual 1/1.8 for $220?

    Anyone have some working human Intrusion settings for the Annke NCD800? I can't seem to get mine to see a human and would prefer to not have it use BI/code project
  12. J

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Color, no IR. Annke NCD800 which has it's own lights
  13. J

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    I am having the same problem with 'critters'. bug is 70% dog/cat, and this is with bugs close to the camera so zoning would be hard
  14. J

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Change 'video encode' in the dropdown to 'cuda', in task manager, GPU
  15. J

    How to send every frame of motion to CPAI and prevent missing alerts

    I just put the max , 999 in +real time images, then if it has found nothing and motion continues, it keeps looking
  16. J

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    It would be interesting to see some benchmarks with different systems, running two instances Because if with one instance it takes 100ms and with two takes 200ms, you have gained nothing...
  17. J

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Mike: Any word on if fixes these isssues that had?
  18. J

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    We only need 11.8 for alpr? I am not using ALPR and on on 2.18 using 11.7, no issues that I know of
  19. J

    5.7.5 - April 20, 2023 - Onvif updates

    Mine worked with just a 'Default' reset It didn't need a 'Factory Default' reset After changing firmware saves the ip games, assuming you don't leave it at factory default ip
  20. J

    5.7.5 - April 20, 2023 - Onvif updates

    When I first updated to: I also got 35 events of the 8000ffff error and then suddenly all was fine and the camera went to 'ok', only the camera with firmware : V2.840.15OG008.0.R, Build Date: 2022-02-18 had that error the other with newer firmware did not
  21. J

    5.7.5 - April 20, 2023 - Onvif updates is working for me as well one 5442 has firmware 2022-08-18 the other has 2022-02-18 Maybe it is because both of mine use intrusion, NOT line crossing?
  22. J

    5.7.5 - April 20, 2023 - Onvif updates is working fine on my two 5442's, using onvif and IVS:intrusion
  23. J

    IVS person and vehicle false positives

    Agree! Even my Annke NCD800, which I had never gotten to work with IVS/onvif is working, one less camera that needs to spend Code Project GPU time :)
  24. J

    IVS person and vehicle false positives

    update: Works! all I did was update to this version and my 5442 that uses intrusion for cars activated and recorded properly, firmware 2.840.15OG008.0.R, Build Date: 2022-02-18 Also my zoomed person intrusion 5442 worked, firmware:2.840.15OG00D.0.R, Build Date: 2022-08-18
  25. J

    IVS person and vehicle false positives

    My experience exactly
  26. J

    IVS person and vehicle false positives

    Are you using the new BI with onvif xml? That's exactly what happended to me when I updated and tried the posted additions to the onvif 'code' Both 5442 cameras , one with 'vehicles' and one with 'person' intrusion triggered via IVS for no apparent reason
  27. J

    5.7.5 - April 20, 2023 - Onvif updates

    Anyone gotten a 5442 to work without having to add the custom event above? I see a .6 release now UPDATE: just tried, no go for my two 5442's even manually adding the triggers listed above Reverted back to all good again
  28. J

    People can mask USPS AI detections

    Thank you sir!
  29. J

    People can mask USPS AI detections

    Any chance of getting an ONYX version of this so I can use it with Code project .net?
  30. J

    5.7.5 - April 20, 2023 - Onvif updates

    Working with the default events or with Brunokiwi custom added events? and what camera? Thank you