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  1. C

    Blue Iris Long Delay with CodeProject Object Detection

    Very helpful links. Though I have 9 cams on my property, the one I'm most dependent on is at the street at our driveway. The critical footage would be 8'-25' and always involve motion, usually vehicles but also often people walking down our driveway.
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    Blue Iris Long Delay with CodeProject Object Detection

    I hesitate to ask in fear of this thread and my head exploding from answers to such a generic and subjective question, but is there a sort-of consensus of quality, but not crazy-expensive, cams that plays very well with Blue Iris?
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    Blue Iris Long Delay with CodeProject Object Detection

    SOLVED: Though there were a few moving parts to my issue, the main one that applies to this thread is that my two Reolink RLC-811A camera's sub-stream timeclock would drift over time, to the point where Blue Iris would receive that stream 10+ seconds after the event, thus leading to a...
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    Blue Iris Long Delay with CodeProject Object Detection

    If you don't have BI MQTT Reset and are monitoring MQTT outside of Home Assistant (such as MQTT Explorer), I suspect the initial alert would stay 'ON'. Of course this may not matter to anyone but probably safest to just have BI reset the MQTT to 'OFF'. But @actran I wasn't aware of the Home...
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    Blue Iris Long Delay with CodeProject Object Detection

    But then wouldn't that often be a false MQTT in the cases that AI doesn't confirm? Or are you just suggesting this as a test?
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    Blue Iris Long Delay with CodeProject Object Detection

    Turning off a bunch of cameras had zero impact. MQTT took 12 seconds after AI was done. CPU with only 3 cams active: 2%. CPU with all cameras active: 4-8%. Support @ BI wanted my .dat file, so we'll see what they have to say.
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    Blue Iris Long Delay with CodeProject Object Detection

    Specifying custom-models on the primary cameras did not help. Still taking 10-18 seconds after AI to MQTT. At least I'm down to 2 seconds for the AI process. EDIT: I'm going to try disabling the 8 other cameras that I'm not using MQTT on to see if it's a CPU thing.
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    Blue Iris Long Delay with CodeProject Object Detection

    CodeProject is on another box running Docker, and I think it's CPU load is reasonable. The PC running BI is AMD Ryzen 7 5700G, 16GB RAM. Can't imagine the hardware is causing the MQTT delay. The two cam's with the MQTT alerts are both duplicate cam's and I just realized on the primary...
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    Blue Iris Long Delay with CodeProject Object Detection

    I also have another cam with an MQTT alert with similar lag. Disabling other Actions didn't help. Still large delays before the MQTT's fire. Weird. ]
  10. C

    Blue Iris Long Delay with CodeProject Object Detection

    Changing the MQTT to "vehicle" didn't help. Only 2 seconds for the AI to process, but another 12 for MQTT. Damn.
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    Blue Iris Long Delay with CodeProject Object Detection

    On one hand, I'm thrilled at the possibility that I could get an MQTT a second or so after motion. I just need to get there! Anyhow, the MQTT is first in line. I'm going to change Required to "vehicle" only and see what happens.
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    Blue Iris Long Delay with CodeProject Object Detection

    So, much improved with everyone's help. If you see the AI data and the Log, it's <5 sec from motion for AI to confirm a vehicle. But why is it another 8 seconds before the MQTT fires? It is the first item for Alert Actions. Also, why in the global AI in the (grayed-out) custom models, I can...
  13. C

    Blue Iris Long Delay with CodeProject Object Detection

    So far a huge speed improvement. About 5 seconds for AI to process a trigger when it was well over 20 before. I removed the models I'm not interested in. But with ipcam-general AI, why all the red-circle 'X's when it returned >90% chance of being a vehicle? Objects clearly works...
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    Blue Iris Long Delay with CodeProject Object Detection

    Yeah, I just found the Docker custom-models director, and indeed all five it's been trying to use are there. Instead of deleting them, I wonder if specifying in each camera like this will work. BTW, thanks!
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    Blue Iris Long Delay with CodeProject Object Detection

    Thanks! Well that explains my confusion on all those .dat entries, and might explain my slowdown, but I haven't specified any models, and the custom model area is grayed-out.
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    Blue Iris Long Delay with CodeProject Object Detection

    Running Codeproject.AI Sever on Docker with YOLOv5.NET (but also tried YOLOv5 3.1). Do NOT have AI using Main Stream. Applying to motion triggers only for all cams. Codeproject responses typically take 400-1200ms (log attached) but you can see here, it detects A>B motion but AI doesn't...
  17. C

    Unnable to test MQTT

    I have an MQTT motion alert set up with Home Assistant and it's working properly, but I want to try something different and need to do some MQTT testing and I can't get it to work. I'm monitoring Home Assistant and there is not change with a test alert. Twice while I was trying to get this to...