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  1. TheWaterbug

    Funny / Satire

    I’m actually a stark raving liberal, but In the interest of equal time, I’ll pen one for the other side: The Democrat judge was a prude Who rigged this political feud. ‘Twas Cohen spread lies, While Stormy spread thighs, But Trump is the one who got screwed!
  2. TheWaterbug

    Enough Lens/Camera for LPR?

    Well, the adjacent city is funding it, so our HOA won't even pay the bill. I volunteered to be on the technical committee a couple of years ago, but the HOA staff went ahead and did their own thing. And pretty well, too, as they got us a managed system on someone else's nickel!
  3. TheWaterbug

    Waterproof Junction for 4 strings of POE?

    ^^ That's a nice box! But I'd buy another switch to put in there. I'm not giving my money to someone that advertises "waterproof" and then ships me something like that.
  4. TheWaterbug

    Enough Lens/Camera for LPR?

    My (and my neighbor's) procrastination has paid off, and our HOA has secured funding from the adjacent city for managed LPR cameras at the entrance to my neighborhood, at no cost to us!
  5. TheWaterbug

    Waterproof Junction for 4 strings of POE?

    And, as it turns out, I may not attempt this. My (and my neighbor's) procrastination has paid off, and our HOA has secured funding from the adjacent city for managed LPR cameras at the sole entrance to my neighborhood, at no cost to us!
  6. TheWaterbug

    Waterproof Junction for 4 strings of POE?

    Ok, this $21 "waterproof" unit is a joke. I thought perhaps the website photos were omitting some things, like perhaps some gasketing or seals or ???? But nope. It's just exposed to the elements: Back to goes to amazon!
  7. TheWaterbug

    Point to Point Wireless Bridge Recomendations

    And the documentation is silent both on what type of POE comes out the passthrough port, and what the maximum passthrough power is. One guy on the Ubiquiti forums says:
  8. TheWaterbug

    Point to Point Wireless Bridge Recomendations

    Actually the PDF you linked shows this! Are NS-5AC and NS-5AC-US the same, except for frequencies used? The Q&A and reviews for the NS-5AC-US on amazon are all over the place wrt to POE. Some say passive only; other say 802.3xx.
  9. TheWaterbug

    Point to Point Wireless Bridge Recomendations

    Whoa! Their latest diagram shows 802.3af/at switches powering both bridge units: That POE pass-through feature could be gold. Now I just need to find a U.S. retailer that carries them.
  10. TheWaterbug

    MP4 from BlueIris won't play on an Apple Silicon M1-based Mini

    It looks like the update to has fixed this!!!!!! Clips downloaded via UI3, without re-encoding, now play back and edit properly on my Apple Silicon Mac!! This is a huge, huge improvement for me, because re-encoding every single clip was really cramping my style, and completely...
  11. TheWaterbug

    Non-admin login to IP5M-B1186EW-28MM: "Authority:check failure"

    I have an Amcrest IP5M-B1186EW-28MM staring at my garden, and I have a computer calling cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi every 10 minutes: crontab -l */10 * * * * cd /usr/local/bin && ./ ~/CornLapse/ cat #!/bin/bash IPAddress=$1 OutPath=$2 cd...
  12. TheWaterbug

    BIG Owl on my Trail

    Coyote Pup on Eastvale, 05/27/24 Pup on the loose! I've never seen a coyote this young out on the street before. They usually stick to the trails.
  13. TheWaterbug

    What's the best FREE video editing s/w for 2024?

    I use the free version of DaVinci Resolve to assemble my 2-up and 4-up videos, and I like it a lot. It's not missing any features that I need, but YMMV. I ran it on my old Intel-based MacBook Pro, with a discrete GPU, and it too awhile to render out, but editing was fine. I now run it on my...
  14. TheWaterbug

    Waterproof Junction for 4 strings of POE?

    Interesting. The downside to that product is that it requires 2 POE ports at the source. The price on all of these types of products has really plummeted recently. The 1-to-4 POE switch I had in there previously was $68 after coupon when I bought it, and now a comparably-specced item is now...
  15. TheWaterbug

    Waterproof Junction for 4 strings of POE?

    So right now I do have all 4 cameras connected through these couplers, with some dielectric grease, but maybe not enough. When I pull up the fake rock to re-do the 12 VDC connection, I'll redo the grease on all of those.
  16. TheWaterbug

    Waterproof Junction for 4 strings of POE?

    Originally I did have a POE-powered POE switch in there, but then I changed things around and took it out. But now I might put the POE switch back in there and mount attempt some casual LPR from the adjacent tree.
  17. TheWaterbug

    Waterproof Junction for 4 strings of POE?

    I actually have more than enough cable slack to do that, but I was trying to hide this installation as much as possible, which was the motivation for the fake rock!
  18. TheWaterbug

    It can't possibly be the coupler . . . .

    How waterproof, typically, are the RJ45 connectors on all the POE cameras that we use? The first coupler I used on that junction was built like a tank, but that doesn't mean it's waterproof. The glands on the cameras seem so flimsy by comparison. But that doesn't mean they're penetrable. Or...
  19. TheWaterbug

    It can't possibly be the coupler . . . .

    One of my POE trail cameras went offline, two days ago. As I was thinking of all the possible points of failure, I mentally ruled out the "waterproof" coupler that I have in the middle of the long run, where I changed my mind on camera wiring 2 years ago. Well, after 3 hours of troubleshooting...
  20. TheWaterbug

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    It arrived, and my first test failed. I'm going to run a few more tests later today. I can't do it during work hours because it drives the rest of the office crazy. :lol:
  21. TheWaterbug

    Stack video frames to enhance face and catch Truck Thief?

    Excellent. I will hit my neighbors with a stick until they buy some frickin' AndyCams.
  22. TheWaterbug

    Stack video frames to enhance face and catch Truck Thief?

    My other neighbor, who hasn't been hit recently, has a bunch of indoor Lorex cameras on a Lorex-branded NVR. Can the AndyCams be added to a Lorex NVR?
  23. TheWaterbug

    Stack video frames to enhance face and catch Truck Thief?

    Well, after dithering for a month and not installing any cameras, my same neighbor got hit AGAIN. The perp drove a truck right into their rollup door, grabbed expensive tools, and drove off. Due to the angle on my camera I got just a partial plate, but I did get a pretty good shot of the perp...
  24. TheWaterbug

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    Allegedly arriving tomorrow.
  25. TheWaterbug

    BIG Owl on my Trail

    Loud Coyote Puppies on Thoroughbred Trail, 05/20/24 I think the smallest of the first group of 3 is a yearling, and not this season's pup, but I'm not 100% certain. But we've got 5 healthy pups, for sure.
  26. TheWaterbug

    Blue Iris UI3

    Does UI3 have its own log? When I look at System Log in UI3 it looks like it's reporting what in the BI console's log, which is typically camera retries, etc., I don't see anything in the System Log about UI3 specifically, except for the login events.
  27. TheWaterbug

    Blue Iris UI3

    "It" being the dreaded "video stream was lost" warning from UI3 Timeline view, that resolves automatically, but takes ~10 seconds to do so: I seem to trigger it most often when using the left and right arrow keys on my keyboard to skip +/- 5 seconds, or when dragging the timeline to some...
  28. TheWaterbug

    BIG Owl on my Trail

    Here's 1/250th. Noticeably less blur in the coyote, at the expense of significant noise in the background. Look at the wood pile and fencepost. I'm guessing 1/500th would be unacceptably noisy, but I'll try that tonight, for science,.
  29. TheWaterbug

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    . . . which means they could be interoperable with other companies' remote chimes. And I did see a submission by Reolink for a remote chime.
  30. TheWaterbug

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    Googling "YAHPB-X38" leads me to the FCC's listing of submissions by Venture Global Limited. That first number is, of course, that remote button, but the appearance in their External Photos is very different from what's on Safeguard's website, which suggests that they sell this module to other...