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  1. W

    bidens incredible transition to electric cars

    Nobody tell this guy about gasoline subsidies...
  2. W

    Excessive CPU load with newer versions than version of BI

    I noticed my AI MQTT messages changed after an upgrade. I rolled back to and the messages are working as I expect. Rolled BACK to The message are coming in as intended. Shows me the direction.... 5/15/2024 11:31:03 AM Plate detected: 4986ZH Probability: 98% MOTION TYPE...
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    Which intel cpu's best for codeproject?

    They are fast and efficient for encoding/decoding video-- but for Codeproject.AI they don't appear to help.
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    BI Log: 'live.sem stuck'

    I am seeing this issue once again. I suspect it has to do with the databasing.... I should probably run windows itself and BI on an SSD and use the HDD for the video.
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    Which intel cpu's best for codeproject?

    I don't think any of them without an accelerator....
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    BlueIris and CPAI on Proxmox

    I don't run Promox, but I run Ubuntu on a ESXi VM and I used docker containers for everything, and within the VM itself. It makes this super easy to configure. A VM looks like a machine to an OS, a container looks like an OS to an application. You can log into the shell and it has a drive you...
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    Replacing Water Heater Tank in Attic

    So if you get a water heater that has a 6 year warranty versus a twelve year one, the difference is the 12 has two sacrificial anodes. If you turn off the tank and replace it every 5 years, there is no reason that tank won't last 25 years. The electronic anodes might even be better, but not...
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    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    Updated on my Linux host. Thanks for your efforts. Seems to be working @ about the same rate with a CPU.
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    Power Pole Transformer Installation

    When people ask why men get paid more than women, show them this video...
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    Upgrading my machine - P cores and E cores?

    Look at Mr. Moneybags over here with his 9 year old computer... I am using a Xeon E3 that was released in 2011. 13 years ago. I got the one that is quicksync compatible. Allows you to use ECC memory. I have another E3 running ESXi that has an up time of over 1000 days now... Coming up on 3...
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    Is there a Blue Iris equivalent for Linux?

    It is was $40 for unlimited cameras I would consider it. The $10 per camera is ridiculous...
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    5.8.6 - February 2, 2024

    "Triggered recording improvements" Any idea what this entails?
  13. W with License Plate Reader module - HowTo?

    I have issues when I have those two blue boxes as well in the alerts...
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    Missing zone crossing...

    Just to follow up-- with the simple change of masking out the time (and widening up the zones), I have been batting 1000. In reviewing the footage-- it looks like when an object came into view- the object detection was occasionally highlighting the time as an object and sometimes focusing on...
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    Missing zone crossing...

    It is dark out-- but I have been running with this for a few days. I actually would just like to setup the whole zone to just trigger-- and use another method to determine direction. I'd love it if the AI could do it as opposed to missing a trigger... Do you know why my capture seemed to be...
  16. W

    Missing zone crossing...

    I did have much more luck with fewer zones. The issue is I am trying to determine direction using C>B and B<C. I did make my zones much fatter. One thing I also notices is you are zeroing out your clock whereas I did not. I watched the motion blocks on an approach and noticed it...
  17. W

    Missing zone crossing...

    I have a couple of zones on my LPR set up so when a car or plate passes, I get the alert as well as the direction (B-C, C-B etc...).. This works pretty well. I have an issue occasionally where the trigger happens late. Put in a feature request to have AI test images PRIOR to trigger as well...
  18. W

    Blue boxes with yellow outline in AI window.

    Can someone tell me that these two blue dots with yellow outlines mean in the AI window? I am not getting an MQTT message here on this alert, but it seems to be reading the plate. When I get a green check mark-- (second picture) I get the message....
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    Man, you have the world's most useless cat. It just watched that raccoon stroll into your house.... If you catch in the cage, just submerge the cage in a river or tub.
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    I have a mess to clean up

    In Massachsetts the environmental police would make you keep it there since it is "natural".... I have something similar near me. How do you saw underwater?
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    Improved triggering and detection....

    So not sure if I should post this in ALPR or AI. Figured here would be better. I am detecting cars passing and reading their plates. I am also using zones to determine direction. I have Zone A cover the whole area for detection. I was using zones B and C split down the middle. I'd trigger...
  22. W

    AI works in debug but doesn't log it.

    My understanding in the slow ALPR won't really matter-- it will just queue up the data and take longer.... What is interesting to me is that at T0 you get a hit on the BVR but on the AI history T0 was a miss for you.... Are you sending the substream to AI by change? Post your AI setting....
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    AI works in debug but doesn't log it.

    What is the difference between the Green Check and the Two blue boxes with gold trim?
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    Images going to AI have yellow around them-- obfuscates detection..

    Ok... spoke to Ken-- I unclicked the "highlight motion rectangles" in the AI box and it went away! Seems obvious in hindsight-- but LOADS of options with BI.
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    It was wonderful flying up until the late 80's

    What does that have to do with flights in China?
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    Images going to AI have yellow around them-- obfuscates detection..

    So I am getting some poor AI detection despite having some pretty damn crisp photos of some plates. This first picture- a plate when by and it was missed. If you look at the Alert AI-- the image is in yellow and it doesn't get read. Picture 2 is the same frame paused.. The AI is able to read...
  27. W

    AI works in debug but doesn't log it.

    Ok, so I opened up the zone detection window after looking through everything else and those zones were GONE. It went back to two zones that I had a LONG time ago. I set up a Zone A which is the whole field of view. Then Zone B is a box on the left and C is on the right. I use this to...
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    AI works in debug but doesn't log it.

    So I reset BI and the Camera and suddenly my "cancelled" alerts show up. Interesting here that this bus image fails but the image shown clearly has some artifacts.. If I pause BI on that frame, the plate reads just fine. I don't see ANY artifacts on the playback. Same with this SUV. Feel...
  29. W

    AI works in debug but doesn't log it.

    I too had a triggering issue and dropped from 30 FPS to 10 and now 20. The issue here though is that I am triggering and just not reading the plates.... I did look closer at my AI debug log in BI and it says that my round trip analysis times are 250ms going to my Linux server.... At 50ms a...
  30. W

    AI works in debug but doesn't log it.

    I copied yours about an hour ago to make mine identical. It made matter much worse. I captured one plate out of ten... which is actually good. Fixing more intermittent problems is a PITA. Here is a video (#2) and Blue Iris highlights the plate when I pause it while playing back. (#1) The...