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  1. gwminor48

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    A detective who was suspended for investigating the deaths of nine babies, apparently from SIDS, after their mothers took the experimental COVID shots, now is telling her story of the coverup she's battled...
  2. gwminor48

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    For me it was only a cousin, for many of you it was much, much closer and heartbreaking. POLL) Nearly one-in-five say they know someone who died from Covid vaccine
  3. gwminor48

    Bank explodes in Ohio

    I hope you didn't have any valuables in a safe deposit box here.
  4. gwminor48

    Hi All - Australia

    Hello, welcome to the forum.
  5. gwminor48


    Hello, welcome to the forum.
  6. gwminor48

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    it “detracts from the park experience.”?!
  7. gwminor48

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    I wonder how many would want to go back?
  8. gwminor48

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

  9. gwminor48

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    This thread is titled "Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?" Well - plastic in your testicles anyone else concerned? These samples were from deceased men, but still. I haven't been a bathtub lately (I take showers) will they float...
  10. gwminor48

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Morals continue downhill slide.
  11. gwminor48

    Hello From Canada!

    Hello, welcome to the forum.
  12. gwminor48

    Hi All!

    Hello, welcome to the forum.
  13. gwminor48

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Good ole Babylon Bee.
  14. gwminor48

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

  15. gwminor48

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    That picture pretty much says it all doesn't it?
  16. gwminor48

    Home insurance rate increases

    Our homeowners increased 48% in April, I was told this is industry wide.
  17. gwminor48

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    I don't know about you but I would love to see Arnold Schwarzenegger on the street and say "Hey Arnold fuck your freedom".
  18. gwminor48

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    Yeah, there should have been Nuremburg trials for these bastards.
  19. gwminor48

    Clip: Disk can't keep up

    I updated to a couple of days ago, haven't seen the error so far, keeping a watch on it.
  20. gwminor48

    US Elections (& Politics) :)
  21. gwminor48

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    It will be interesting to see if these judges hold fast on this, or will they get the "visit" that changes their mind...
  22. gwminor48

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    Typical of big pharma, create something that causes a problem then get even richer creating something else that is supposed to fix the problem they created in the first place.
  23. gwminor48

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    "According to AstraZeneca, the removal of Vaxzevria is merely for financial reasons". Like maybe lawsuits? On the other hand, I think if they are sued we would be paying the bill since they have been given immunity by our wonderful governments...
  24. gwminor48

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Sad that this bill was even necessary.
  25. gwminor48

    Funny / Satire

    Not high quality video but still good to watch.
  26. gwminor48

    Olden day Pictures

    Exposing my age I remember doing this - we were protected from the atom bomb by those desks!
  27. gwminor48

    Funny / Satire

    Damn right! If I go in I'm on a mission, get in and out as fast as possible.
  28. gwminor48

    Funny / Satire

  29. gwminor48

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Can we try this in Washington D.C?