Recent content by adamColorado

  1. adamColorado

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Any tips on how I can move past this? I really can't figure out how to get that push notification to make it through :(
  2. adamColorado

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    also here's my output it was resolved when actually walked in front of the camera with the correct .jpg file
  3. adamColorado

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Hi everyone. Please help. Ha. I have this weird instance where if I run the: -s --form-string "token=REDACTED" --form-string "user=REDACTED" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO <a href='&LAN/alerts/&ALERT_DB?fulljpeg'>Hi-Res</a> <a...