Recent content by kujo2023

  1. kujo2023

    BlueIris Codeproject.AI not alerting at night

    Ok I checked the .dat files for the timeframe of the car's movements. What I found was that the car moved (with AI detection) between 4:10:58 and 4:11:06. The .dat files were not active during this interval. I have .dat files for 4:10:31 and 4:11:26 for both of the streams (wide & zoom) from...
  2. kujo2023

    BlueIris Codeproject.AI not alerting at night

    I cannot figure out why I am not getting confirmed alerts at night on my Reolink RLC-81ma camera. The Reolink camera software detects the car and records the event every time. However, BlueIris has been missing it every night. In BlueIris when rerun the clip with "Testing & Tuning" "Analyze...