Recent content by pop95

  1. P

    vto2000 TFTP need Help

    Hi, if some need TFTP for Dahua recovery , you can find in attached the software. you firmware need to be in the root folder inside TFTP
  2. P

    vto2000A-2 FIRMWARE v1

    Run up (only)
  3. P

    vto2000A-2 FIRMWARE v1

    Yes i resolved m’y problème without the V1 You can resolved it , if you find a files update.bin , and with putty you write do run up
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    vto2000 TFTP need Help

    hi, What't is the command on putty connected with tftp to save after write all the commands run dc run dp .... all was copied, and i write " boot" to restart , but after the restarting of the VTO the VTO restart but without the software nothing is happening , the VTO don't start with the new...
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    vto2000A-2 FIRMWARE v1

    HI, anybody can help me to find this old firmware: Firmware/06VDP/SIP_firmware/VTOXXX/201704/ i need to it to unbreak my VTO with tftp and UART. i can connect my VTO with my Pc and transfert the data with network and...