Recent content by scsi2199

  1. S

    Hikvision camera admin password reset tool

    Yep...Checked..No spaces. I did a cut and paste so I shouldn't have to worry about uppercase / lower case etc..for being so simple its certainly taking its toll on
  2. S

    Hikvision camera admin password reset tool

    The date is exact..they all three show todays date in the sadp tool..
  3. S

    Hikvision camera admin password reset tool

    I am currently trying to reset the password using the tool. I have tried it several times and no luck. I think I ma leaving out the model number. Example: My camera "serial number is DS-2CD2332-I20150526CCWR520477226...I remove the DS-2CD2332-I and paste the 20150526CCWR520477226..but its not...