Recent content by Techgeek360

  1. T

    Blue Iris Tools - Weather Overlay, Watchdog & more!

    My default isn't IE but it appears BI tools is using IE. Do you get the TLS error if you go to Local Weather Forecast, News and Conditions | Weather Underground It works on 2 workstations that has the 1909 branch of win 10. I am currently updating my BI workstation to that version now. Will...
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    Blue Iris Tools - Weather Overlay, Watchdog & more!

    I think this is a IE problem. If I go to Local Weather Forecast, News and Conditions | Weather Underground in IE I get the same error. I tried adjusting my IE TLS settings with no luck. Is BI tools working for everyone regardless of the error? Mine was but I am failing to connect to...
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    Blue Iris Tools - Weather Overlay, Watchdog & more!

    I think its because it can connect securely to verify the version so it assumes you should update. As far as the TLS connection issue I think this is a IE problem. If I go to Local Weather Forecast, News and Conditions | Weather Underground in IE I get the same error. I tried adjusting my IE...
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    I got it going again and lost a camera in the first hour. Rolled back to last stable and seems fine now. First time I ever had to rollback a BI update.
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    I started getting it last night as well. Each time I get the message a camera goes into a freeze situation. Shows it there but its a still image.
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    Blue Iris login

    HI, Since I don't see a way of setting up mfa for blue iris I decided to at least get a text everytime someone logs in by setting up a action on login. So that works great and no problems. In the text response I log what user is being logged in. What I am trying to figure out is how I can...
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    Shadows on windy weather triggering motion sensor

    Tough problem to resolve really. Zone crossing seems to be the common fix for most. Increasing Min. Contrast helps some. Also read that simple algorithm. My view is I rather have it record too much then miss something so I live with some false positives. I do however set small additional zone...
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    Wifi 2.4 Ghz Overloaded or router overloaded?

    I haven't buried the cable yet but will order some pure copper from monoprice. Ironically my 3d printer is a monoprice as well. I probably don't need a 1000 ft so will order 500ft instead. Hopefully they will let me return this. My initial test are looking pretty good for the CCA cable but I...
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    Wifi 2.4 Ghz Overloaded or router overloaded?

    Feels like I'm in a downward spiral of mistake after mistake. Can't believe they are allowed to sell crap like this and surprised the reviews were 4.2/5. After a bit of research it seems I might be ok since I don't plan on using POE. Maybe it will be ok. I don't have massive bandwidth plans for...
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    Wifi 2.4 Ghz Overloaded or router overloaded?

    The newest cameras are h.264. I adjusted them down quite a bit so they aren't using a lot of bandwidth. Imagine my older cameras are only h.263. I know the cell phone I connected does mpeg which uses 4x the bandwidth for less quality but it works on the 5ghz wireless so its never been an issue...
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    Camera Surface Block

    I have had one for over a year. You become pretty dependent on it. Even my wife think it is useful and that says a lot. :) I fixed our kitchen sink and window blinds with parts I designed, I created a birdinator (patent pending) to keep robins from building nest, decorations...
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    Camera Surface Block

    Hey all, I couldn't find a surface block that I really liked so I made my own. I made it high enough to hold any cords and made it pretty thick so it doesn't warp any. So if you have a 3d printer and looking for a decent mount for a camera check this out. Surface Block for Outdoor Cameras...
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    Wifi 2.4 Ghz Overloaded or router overloaded?

    But I caught a good action shot of a cat jumping my fence the other day. :) I will tone them down a bit. Im still trying to get a good understanding of quality, vs bit rate, vs resolution. No matter what I change really seems to have a major difference to image quality that I am seeing. I do see...
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    Wifi 2.4 Ghz Overloaded or router overloaded?

    That's awesome. What app are you using to get those statistics? If I connect to the band with my cameras I am seeing about 3mb/sec down and up. If I turn off the cameras I get about 50mb/sec down/up on the 2.4ghz band. If I use the 5g band I get around 200mb down/ 75 up which is my internet...