Recent content by videobruce

  1. V

    Another Dahua PTZ install

    How do you think these Chinese companies get the design info to clone their competitors products? :laugh:
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    Mobile PTZ

    Ouch! Aren't there any 12vdc recorders and/or PTZ cameras available even if it meant a small drop in PQ??
  3. V

    Another Dahua PTZ install

    Approach it from the side, surround the dome with bubble warp, blurring up the recorded video (if it is actually recording), then saw off the tubular stem if it can't be removed otherwise.
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    Mobile PTZ

    How much did the entire install set you back? Even with it lowered, isn't it a problem with handling the truck, especially when turning?
  5. V

    New backyard Wildlife Cam Install

    I couldn't tell if they were lights or refections, one of the videos, they weren't visible. Are they are the edge of the grass before those bushes (or whatever they are)?
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    New backyard Wildlife Cam Install

    What is the distance between the camera and those two objects that are reflecting in the center of the screen?
  7. V

    Camera Upgrade - Canon EOS Rebel T3i, to a...?

    I suppose one could take the video output and run it as a CCTV camera. :rolleyes: