Wow! There are still good people among us!


Known around here
Feb 4, 2020
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Minnesota USA
note to self.....where is my window breaking tool now? grrr.
My uncle was big on fire extinguishers, He had them everywhere. I think he saw some things in WWII that shaped this behavior as field medic in the Pacific theater on ships and landing crafts.
I wonder how he got off course to end up behind the guard rail....


Known around here
Sep 25, 2017
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note to self.....where is my window breaking tool now? grrr.
I have 2 in the car and 1 in the house (double glazing near impossible to break without).

I had always intended to buy one but when I needed to spend more on Amazon without Prime for postage, I made the difference up to get free postage with these. I have 2 of the liife hammer type - 1in the car door pocket and 1 in my lounge. and one of the press to break type with the spring loaded tungsten pin fastened to my sunvisor in the car. Hopefully I'll never need to use any.


Getting the hang of it
Nov 16, 2018
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I took CERT training about ten years ago. You‘re taught it’s very important to survey the scene before jumping into action. The heroic rescuers in this video were trying to open a door that was up against the guardrail.

One night about two years ago, I came upon a small SUV that had snapped off a utiility pole and continued downhill into a wooded, brushy area. Wires down, but I could see that they were the low comm wires, the three-phase lines were still attached to the top half of the pole which was hanging over the road. Driver’s door up against a tree. Passenger door and rear hatch jammed shut although the rear glass was broken out. The vehicle had a growing fire under the hood. The driver was a somewhat large woman who couldn’t get herself over the center console. Another passerby managed to crawl into the vehicle and recline her seat enough so that we could reach in an pull her out through the rear hatch.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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About 100 years ago (;)) I was a volunteer fireman and along with two buddies among the first to go through EMT training in the State of Pennsylvania. This would have been 1976ish

One snowy and very icy night we got a vehicle accident call to a scene not far from us, 3 of us happened to be hanging out at the firehall, and roads were such that very few were able to get out.
So the 3 of us rolled in the rescue unit instead of waiting on enough crew to get there for a second truck (we had been putting chains on that evening so were good to go).
Sure enough a guy had crashed into a ditch on a very steep incline, rolled at least once, and came to a stop hitting a pole hard. He hit with such force that one side was crushed up against the pole and the drivers side was so damaged from the rollover that getting him out a door wasnt an option.

So out came the trusty Hurst tool, and we were able to cut the pillars and lift him out. As we're getting him into the transport, we're surprised to see just superficial cuts and bruises. He was so drunk that his body just rolled with the vehicle and nothing broke. We saw that with drunks a lot.