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  1. M

    Does Model Size matter?

    I just upgraded Code Project to 2.65, evrything is running fine. I am not usig a a docker just CPU and GPU and Yolo 5 6.2 w/ Huge Model. My question is, does it really matter what size Model I use? The model size does not seem to affect my systems performance. So, is bigger better w/...
  2. M

    Question - BI and CPAI detects Person but still goes to Cancelled Alerts

    Hello, I'm trying to figure out why this was thrown into my cancelled Alerts when CPAI detects the perosn. Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated. This doesn't happen all the time on this cam but every once in a while. Thanks, Michael
  3. M

    Recommend an Economical GPU for CPAI

    Hello, I'm running the follow dedicated to BI machine: System Manufacturer Dell Inc. System Model Vostro 3671 System Type x64-based PC Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9400 CPU @ 2.90GHz, 2904 Mhz, 6 Core(s), 6 Logical Processor(s) Memory 24 GB 6TB WD Purple Windows 11 I have 14...