Search results

  1. F

    Which IP cam - inside - wired - event planification ...

    Hi there, I have a few D-LINK DCS2210L like IP cams at home, and I need to install such type of camera in a sport hall to see who is coming outside of normal opening hours, so would need an INDOOR camera, wired, allowing event notification based on motion detection and a planning (like Monday...
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    No Picture from VTO on VTH1550CH when using live view

    Hi there, My VTO / VTH combination works perfectly, meaning when someone rings at the VTO, I see the piccture n the VTH, but when I use the small camera button on the VTH, I just see a black screen with a countdown of 30 seconds ... so no picture. Do you know what it could come from ? It was...
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    Reset Dahua VTH1550CH or solution ?

    Hi there, I have a Dahua VTO2000 with 2 VTH 1550CH (1 master and 1 slave) The slave is getting its IP from the VTO, but the master VTH1550CH which is suppoed to get its IP is NOT and is presenting a black screen at reboot, where the leds are ON at the back. It is...
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    gDMSS Plus only plays a sound but doesn't ring ... (VTO2000)

    Hi there, I just changed my mobile from a Samsung Galaxy A5 to a Samsung Galaxy A50, but my gDMSS Plus is not ringing anymore when someone rings at the door (VTO2000) just plays a notification sound (and not a music) ... On my old phone in the notifications it was mentioned "plays the...
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    Dahua VTO2000 no mobile notifications in gDMSS Plus ...

    Hi there, I just want to inform you in my case I do not receive anymore the notifications on my mobile phone (gDMSS Plus) when someone rings on the door. It looks to be a general issue Dahua must solve after Google has changed the push service , see reply from my vendor : This afternoon...
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    gDMSS Plus upgrade to V4.30 - no notifications from my VTO anymore ...

    Hi there, I have received an upgrade for the gDMSS Plus app on Android (towards Version 4.30) but since then I do not receive any notification when someone rings at the VTO. I know in the previous version there was something to activate on the app under alarm or something ... but all menus...
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    VTH black when pressing the camera button to see VTO picture ?

    Hello, can someone please confirm ... as far as I see when I install a different fw version on the VTO and VTH and I press thr "camera" button on the VTH to see the VTO picture I just have a black screen ? Someone experiencing the same ?
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    VTO2000 admin password after 3.12 FW upgrade ??

    Hi there, I have just upgraded my VTO2000 fw from 3.2 to 3.12, but it looks like my admin password is not the same anymore ?? Do you know if after FW upgrade it is reset to something else ? Many thanks !!
  9. F

    VTO2000 V4 firmware and VTH1550CH V3.12

    Hi there, Today I received the following firmwares from Dahua support France, mentioning there would soon be a SIP version release as well ... : - General_Multi3_VTH1510_EngItlFreGerDutSpaPor_P_V3.200.0000.0.R.20170826.bin -...
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    Who has experience with Serial connection to VTO2000A ?

    Hi there, I am stucked with a FW for my VTO2000 and can't get back to previous version. I read there is a possibility to go back to previous version by connecting the VTO to a computer via serial port ? Just wondering how much expertise / knowledge it needs, as well as meterial (dongle, ...) ...
  11. F

    VTO2000A : PAL or NTSC ?

    Hello, My VTO2000 is nt working anymore (I installed a wrong firmwar on it probably and can't get back to previous firmware) ... It was bought on an official dealer in Belgian but which is not really providing support, as well as 2 VTH1550CH screens, but I apln to buy a new VTO now on...
  12. F

    Auto-Snapshot on the VTH1550CH doesn't work anymore

    Hello, I have an issue with my VTH1550CH connected to a VTO2000. When someone rings on the VTO, pictures are not taken anymore nor stored on the VTH1550CH on the SD card, althouth the "Autosnapshot" feature is enabled. Is there something to enable on the VTO as well to have this functionality ...
  13. F

    VTO2000A and VTH : Black screen on the VTH1550CH

    Hello, When I push the small "camera" button on the VTH1550CH, I get a black screen so I can't see what happens outside on my VTO2000A. When someone rings on the VTO, I see the picture of the VTO, though Can you please confirm to me what / if settings need to be set on the VTO or even on the...
  14. F

    VTO200A : General_VTOXXX_Eng_P_16M_V3.120.0000.0.R.20180613

    Hello, I am looking for people who have this firmware installed on their VTO2000A : General_VTOXXX_Eng_P_16M_V3.120.0000.0.R.20180613. Firmware is official available from Dahua wiki at Video Intercom/Products/VTO2000A - Dahua Wiki Please let me know as I would need some information Many thanks !
  15. F

    Need Guru help please to telnet to VTO2000A / fw issue

    Hi there, I have installed by mistake a wrong Firmware on my VTO2000A. I usually have FW like "General_Multi3_VTO2000A_EngRusItlFreGetDutSpaPor_P_16M_V3.100.0000.0.R.2017030.bin", but I found on the Dahua Wigi a more recent one : "General_VTOXXX_Eng_P_16M_V3.120.0000.0.R.20180613.bin" ...
  16. F

    VTO20000A firmware downgrade not possible ? Port 3800 not in use anymore ?

    Hi there, I am from Belgium and I had so far a working VTO2000A with 2 VTH1550CH, but due to some issues with mobile ap, I decided to upgrade from version 2017-03-05 V3.100.0.0 towards "General_VTOXXX_Eng_P_16M_V3.120.0000.0.R.20180613" pour le VTO ... unfortunately I noticed afterwards that...
  17. F

    Dahua Camera why is DST "manual" ?!?!?

    Hi there, I have serval IP cameras (axis, DLINK, ...) where the DST (Daylight saving Time) is made autmatic so that I have nothing to do on the cameras to follow the winter time set. Looking at my Dahua this morning, I see it stayed on the summer time, instead of passing to the winter time...
  18. F

    new camera : F and lens

    I want to buy a new IP camera for monitoring my garden, day and night, like Dahua ... I always see the resolution (This is for me the picture quality, details), but also the Focal and Lens like Focal Length 3.6mm(2.8mm,6mm optional) Max Aperture F2.0(F2.0/F2.0) What is really the Focal, is...
  19. F

    IP camera using CPL (network over power) ?

    Hi there, I would like to install an IP camera at the back of my garden, on the garden house, but I had not foreseen network cable there, and WIFI will be difficult I think. I was thinking about CPL to bring network there, would that be a solution ? Something I need to pay attention at ? If I...
  20. F

    gDMSS Plus or gDMSS Lite - can not hear the person ringing

    Hi there, I have a VTO connected to 2 VTHs and gdmss app (both tried the Lite and plus Version), but when someone rings at the VTO, smartphone rings, I open the gDMSS, I see picture, person can hear me but I can not hear the person. Both tried in WIFI or 4G ... Any idea what I should be...
  21. F

    Looking for a replacement of my AXIS camera

    Hi there, I would like to replace an existing camera I use to monitor my living room, because the current one (an AXIS M1054) doesn't have the night view. Specs are quite simple .... - possibly in Dahua (but other brands are also ok) - Needs to be placed on the top of a kitchen locket - Needs...
  22. F

    Picture quality of a 12MP camera - can't even read plate numbers ...

    Hi there, I have a Dahua IPC-EBW81200 whic is a 12 Beg Pixels installed at home, and as far as I can see, I can't even read plate numbers of cars parked at a few meters from the camera. This is even worst as you can imagine for vobing cars ... Is it normal or are there ettings to set to...
  23. F

    gDMSS Plus doesn't work ... gDMSS HD works ?!?

    Hi there, Setting up gDMSS Plus on my samsung smarphone in order to see my IPC-EBW-81200 and it doesn't work, neither on my wife's smartphone nor my parents's smartphone. Setting up the exact same way (IP / Domain) this camera on gDMSS HD (which is supposed to be for tablets), and there it...
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    gDMSS "Login delay" ???

    Hi there, I am using gDMSS on a samsung smartphone and a samsung Tablet for 2 different devices, and this is working all fine except for a Dahua IPC-EBW81200 which gives a "login delay" on the smartphone only. All settings are the same as on my tablet, port obviously port open , but ONLY on...
  25. F

    Dahua IPC-EBW81200 sending ONE mail notification based on alarm I/O

    Hi there, Since a full reset of my camera, it is now sending several mails, every X seconds or minutes, if the Alarm I/O port is triggered. In the past, it was only sending 1 mail to notify the alarm IO was raised, and 1 other mail when the alarm was gone ... Do you know how to set this bask...
  26. F

    Dahua IPC camera prefers GMAIL SMTP ?

    Hi there, I am currently setting up my IP camera to send mail notifications based on triggers. The configuration I enter is as follow : sender mail address : (address is not existing, this is just to received a correct sender address) receiver mail address ...
  27. F

    "Alarm Event: No disk" on IPC-EBW81200

    Hi there, I have recently installed an IPC-EBW81200 with a 64 Gb SD card into int I am usig for recording (on internal SD card) based on motion detection. Quite often, I have a notification about "Alarm Event: No disk" then few seconds after a "Alarm Event: No diskStop", like if the SD card was...
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    Dahua IPC-EBW81200 and wall mount with PFA132

    Hi there, Has someone bough a PFA132 for wall mounting its Dahua Camera ? I have issues with mine, once mounted on the wall the camera is not offering horizontal picture because the wholes in the metal plate do not offer correct mapping et have the "TOP" at the correct position ??? Any help...
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    Edition bugs in Internet Explorer

    Hello guys, is it a known problem on this forum when we try to type something with Internet explorer the page hangs and 10% of the characters you are typing are not displayed ? On Chrome seems to be ok, though ...
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    Dahua IPC-EBW81200 mail timestamp issue (reception date 6 hours behind ...)

    Hi there, I just got a Dahua IPC-EBW81200 and configured the SMTP to send notifications by mail, but although mails are sent straight after trigger when they appear in the inbox they do with 6 hours difference (reception date). Initially I thought the GMT (timezone) parameter was not taken into...