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  1. C

    [tool] Receive Blue Iris Alert Images/Videos on Telegram

    1 month usage feedback. Everything works great. 100% reliable with no crashes. One item of suggestion is that on EXIT there could be a "never ask again" check box, as my box running Windows Server 21 will always hang when doing maintenance reboots waiting for the dialog box confirmation...
  2. C

    [tool] Receive Blue Iris Alert Images/Videos on Telegram

    Hey thank you for this. I was an early user of AiTools, and the telegram upload became part of my normal notifcation workflow. After they integrated deepstack, and now CP, I have been trying to find good solutions to regain Telegram notifications back. I'll give this a try! Thanks
  3. C

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    I have the same issue. If i have my car parked in driveway, all the normal false positives go through because it identifies my car. I wonder if there was a way to teach the AI over time with feedback
  4. C

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    First time post here. I wanted to thank everyone and Pumpkin for this great tool. Its actually super interesting to see the AI detect everything. I had a question. Has anyone encountered that after disabling the web server auth keys, that the UI3 won't stay logged in anymore? Seems to timeout...