Search results

  1. Shane77

    I may have underestimated the LED lights I purchased....

    Hey there, ive also illuminated our property and one across the street and both residential. I assure you the astronauts on the ICC use this light to establish their location. However we can all agree that the powers that be have taken away that blessing of abundant power away from most of us...
  2. Shane77

    Commercial Application

    Hi guys, Could anyone perhaps share with me how they deployed the AI commercially for clients. eg. hardware specs for the server, were they individually deployed per client? The success rate of the deployments etc
  3. Shane77

    YouTube video on how easy it is to hack someone using BEEF

    my goodness. i can see why websites have those useless info links. We zombified while the attacker is molesting us. I feel really violated. OMG this is 2017 info!!!! omg!!!
  4. Shane77

    Blue IrIS for President!!! Also an AI Section would be useful?

    OMG i missed it under the BI so sorry for this and global warming and the penguins and cats n dogs living in harmony.....and pineapple on pizza.....
  5. Shane77

    Blue IrIS for President!!! Also an AI Section would be useful?

    Hi guys, AI video monitoring is now an integral part of proactive monitoring cos you know, its kind of pointless watching the video of your stuff being stolen yesterday? Would a section dedicated to the various AI models and integration as well as their success stories not be useful? Asking...
  6. Shane77

    A voice from Yonder

    Hi fellow gurus hardware hacker techno maniacs of the trade. My names Shane from south africa and im a cameraholic. its been a few days now since i put down the camera and feeling good. Actually im lying cos i have one hanging over my left ear as i type this. Im fairly new to the surveillance...