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  1. E

    Amcrest SmartHome Video Doorbell Camera AD110

    I have the doorbell installed and it is working with the Amcrest SmartHomeApp (version 3.3.2), Blue Iris and Amazon Alexa. I find there is a terrific delay on the Amcrest application ranging from 5 to 15 seconds often resulting in an error if I don't turn off the WiFi assist on the iPhone...
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    Amcrest SmartHome Video Doorbell Camera AD110

    I have the doorbell working with the Amcrest SmartHomeApp app and Blue Iris. I had a hard time getting it to work with Blue Iris. Not sure why. I'm guessing there was a glitch in the initial setup with the Amcrest app, but on deleting the camera and resetting it to factory defaults then...
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    Delay in Amcrest AD110 doorbell video.

    TonyR Taken on my iPhone within 4 ft of router: Download: 195-210 Mb/sec Upload 11.9-12.0 Mb/sec Taken where I am having the transfer over to cellular. About 20ft from router: Download: 94.0 Mb/sec Upload: 12.1 Mb/sec Jack7 I turned off WiFi assist and it may be the solution to this problem...
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    Delay in Amcrest AD110 doorbell video.

    Jack7, I used your idea, but went about it in a little different way. I have Mac computers with airport routers. The airport utility provides the signal strength from the iPhone in dBm. It appears that the app uses WiFi if the signal strength is, for example, -58dBm (considered excellent by...
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    Delay in Amcrest AD110 doorbell video.

    (continued from previous message) If the application is not a background or foreground application (not loaded), I get this (shown in the attachment) Which requires me to tap for a live view. Should I not always get the first screen, with a phone icon, so that I can answer to doorbell right...
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    Delay in Amcrest AD110 doorbell video.

    I put the following on the support area of the Amcrest site, but I will repeat it here: When the doorbell is pressed, if I am in the Amcrest Smarthome iPhone application, I get this (which is great!):
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    Delay in Amcrest AD110 doorbell video.

    I hope you can read the previous message. It was the first time I used the "attach a file" and it was not very successful. It split the written message up.
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    Delay in Amcrest AD110 doorbell video.

    Jack7, Good, I am glad you are on line. It appears that there is some kind of use of cellular data in the iPhone Amcrest SmartHome App. When I answer a doorbell or "go live" often I see the message in the attached image. If I accept it, it counts up with a "basketball on a trampoline" symbol...
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    Delay in Amcrest AD110 doorbell video.

    looney2ns As you suggest, I took 4 of my WiFi cameras off line. I saw an improvement, but there is still a delay. This doorbell camera appears to have an unusual amount of overhead. I think TonyR has hit the nail on the head. I think it is sending data back to Amcrest and back down. There...
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    Delay in Amcrest AD110 doorbell video.

    I have the doorbell installed and it is working with the Amcrest SmartHomeApp (version 3.3.2), Blue Iris and Amazon Alexa. I find there is a terrific delay on all 3 applications ranging from 5 to 15 seconds. Also, on the SmartHome App I find that it appears to be using 3G/4G an awful lot of...
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    Amcrest SmartHome Video Doorbell Camera AD110

    That is one thing that I did not have a problem with. I have a mechanical doorbell and bought a more powerful transformer some time ago. It worked well right out of the box. See if you can check the voltage out of the transformer when the doorbell is pushed. You might have to put the old...
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    Amcrest SmartHome Video Doorbell Camera AD110

    Does anyone have an issue of the Amcrest AD110 camera not showing face detail because the porch is in shadow because the sun is in back of the person? I could use a light on the porch mounted where the camera is in order to light the person's face, but that is difficult. I tried to increase...
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    Amcrest SmartHome Video Doorbell Camera AD110

    No, I do not have a cloud account or a micro USB card in the camera. I probably will create a cloud account (I did create an Amcrest account) since it is free (for a year?) I will probably use a 4 gb USB card I have for use in the camera. However, I don't know what is wrong with the way I...
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    Amcrest SmartHome Video Doorbell Camera AD110

    I have tried to make this AD11- doorbell work with Blue Iris and so far I have had no luck. Followed their setup procedure exactly. I am suspicious that the typical Amcrest use of "admin" user name may not be correct. During setup of the app it asked for a user name and as I recall I used my...
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    Amcrest Doorbell "chime kit"

    Thanks for your information. I took a resistance check of the "chime kit" and found that it was 4 ohms. At 24 volts, that would draw about 6 amps . That appears to be much more current than a typical doorbell would draw or a transformer would supply. My guess is that it is really a variable...
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    Amcrest Doorbell "chime kit"

    I have a question that no one has yet answered. I bought a AD110 video doorbell. It has a little box that is called a "chime kit". Being an engineer, I am curious as to what is in this little box. Can you answer that? ALSO, I have a rational reason for asking this question. I have 2...
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    Blue Iris Gradually Goes to 100% CPU Usage

    Interesting comment that you have been running for a year with no problems and now you do have problems. I am sorry, but I don't have an answer. If you find one, I would be interested in your conclusions. You might contact and see if you get an answer. My first...
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    Blue Iris Gradually Goes to 100% CPU Usage

    By the way... I am using Windows 10 in service mode. I have been running in direct to disk mode for a while in this system. I also saw the same condition you did with the CPU usage creep. I also see some of my cameras (all WiFi) drop out once in a while. I checked the signal strength and...
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    Blue Iris Gradually Goes to 100% CPU Usage

    Have you made sure you are saving video files in the direct to disc format? I have a much older computer than yours and I also had the problem (hitting 100%). My computer now is about 30% CPU usage with 8 WIFI cameras (combination of Foscam & Amcrest cameras). Look at: Camera...
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    Can not access cameras from my smart phone??

    My main question is about IP addresses and port forwarding. I just am showing that I was able to gut through the problem of the IP address in the Blue Iris program, but would like to understand how to make a STATIC IP address on a Windows 10 machine. I found the Place (I believe) where it is...
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    Can not access cameras from my smart phone??

    I am somewhat confused about what IP address/port needs to be forwarded in order to connect to my iphone. Also, I have DCHP on my windows 10 computer on automatic and it appears that the address is changing. I can't seem to make it a valid static IP that works. Most of the required changes...
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    Camera loads wireless internet

    By the way, if anyone lives in the Southeastern Michigan area and has a bit of time to spend with me to show me your setup, I would be VERY interested
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    Camera loads wireless internet

    I have taken all my cameras physically down. I need to understand this technology better than I do now. I am getting quite frustrated with the effect the cameras are having on my network. I transferred all my cameras and the associated windows computer with Blue Iris over to a dedicated...
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    Camera loads wireless internet

    I have 4 cameras. Two are Foscam F18910W's one is a F19804W and one is a Wansview NCL616W. They appear to be loading down my home network. I notice if most when a computer is about 20 or so ft away. The problem only occurs when I connect to the camera with a browser or Blue Iris software...
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    Current draw of IP cameras such as Foscam F18910W

    Hmmm. Food for thought. I just did not want to do a home run back to the computer with all the camera cables. This would certainly be a solution for new construction. This, of course, would would need one at the camera and at the router adding cost at each camera--correct?.
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    Current draw of IP cameras such as Foscam F18910W

    I am going to need to supply power from a plug-in power module (wall wort) as far away as 30 to 50 ft. What is the current draw that a typical IP wireless camera draws (such as the Foscam F18910W)? I guess more to the point, what gauge wire do people use to supply these cameras from a...
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    control of PZT (especially IR LEDs)

    Yes. I even printed out the whole help file to use it as a manual (there is not a formal manual). The help file is pretty good, but it could use some examples and some more explanation. By the way, I believe I was partially correct. The PZT control is in the individual camera Event...
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    control of PZT (especially IR LEDs)

    The only place I see PZT being controlled for a camera is in the individual camera schedule screen. Under "Event schedule", you can set many PZT controls. My questions are: 1. Is the "Event schedule" independent of the individual camera schedule? I am using a global schedule and if the...