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  1. C

    Drive configuration question - is an ssd neccessary?

    What is the difference between new and stored and why wouldn't one use stored? Trying to learn and grasp this concept. Thanks.
  2. C

    Im lost and already spent thousands on junk

    You guys are awesome! I will educate myself so I can ask informed questions to solicit some opinions, if you don't mind. Really appreciate the warm welcome and information all of you are sharing.
  3. C

    Im lost and already spent thousands on junk

    Sorry! I will check! Thanks!
  4. C

    Im lost and already spent thousands on junk

    Hello, I'm frustrated and have already spent a few thousand on a wyze system and a lorex system. Both were wireless (mistake). Searching the web you get fed some of these highly marketed systems but from what I have concluded that doesn't mean its the best by any stretch. That leads me to this...