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  1. C

    Dahua IPC EASY unbricking / recovery over TFTP

    A successor of Dahua IPC unbricking / recovery over serial UART and TFTP I recommend you to read through the above thread first. If your camera still has a working bootloader (assume it does) then you can flash it easily, because: The camera tries to download a file called...
  2. C

    Dahua IPC unbricking / recovery over serial UART and TFTP

    Easy recovery without serial: Dahua IPC EASY unbricking / recovery over TFTP Hello, I broke my camera by accident while messing with the firmware and had to recover it. Since I am not the only one that this has happened to and will probably not stay the last one: Here is a simple tutorial on...
  3. C

    Disabling P2P/Easy4Ip and Watchnet/Lechange Pro

    easy4ip login Easy4Ip: http://<CAMERAIP>/cgi-bin/configManager.cgi?action=setConfig&T2UServer.Enable=false 乐橙商城-大华旗下乐橙官方网站 Lechange Pro: http://<CAMERAIP>/cgi-bin/configManager.cgi?action=setConfig&VSP_HS.Enable=false (They call this one "WatchNet" in the config ^^) If you don't use these...
  4. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    Hi, I've been hacking around with my Dahua camera and made a script to unpack and rebuild the firmware upgrade images. Check out the Github for more info: GitHub - BotoX/Dahua-Firmware-Mod-Kit: Unpack and repack Dahua IP camera firmware upgrade images. Give me firmware for my camera! You can...