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  1. P

    BI Alert! - Enhanced Notifications for the Blue Iris Android App using Tasker

    My VPN is disconnecting but it is staying active in background.
  2. P

    BI Alert! - Enhanced Notifications for the Blue Iris Android App using Tasker

    Ok. I was modifying in the task tab instead of the var tab. Now I have VPN coming on, but not off. The other issue I can't figure out is why I am still getting BI notifications in addition to the new ones from this.
  3. P

    BI Alert! - Enhanced Notifications for the Blue Iris Android App using Tasker

    Amazing. You have done a lot of work. I have it up and running but it's not activating my VPN for some reason. I followed all the steps, changed the line 15, tested my VPN for android (works).
  4. P

    Tasker and BlueIris

    Update: I have figured out how to use Tasker to totally replace the notifications created by the Blue Iris app, and provide additional functionality as well. I'm still testing. When I'm happy, I plan to share the profile, task and scene xml files that you can directly import into Tasker on your...
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    Tasker and BlueIris

    Wow, that would be fantastic. Thanks.
  6. P

    Tasker and BlueIris

    Thnks. I'll give it a try.
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    Tasker and BlueIris

    Avoiding 24 VPN as my play store doesn't work on VPN for some reason (stuck on downloading).
  8. P

    Tasker and BlueIris

    Trying to avoid that second tap to connect. I tried inputting another activcation of bi when already active but it didn't seem to work.
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    Tasker and BlueIris

    Now I'll pick your brain more. When you get a notification from BI, you can click on the notification and it will open BI. How can I make it engage the tasks you provided earlier? Possible or just too much? Ideas?
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    Tasker and BlueIris

    Perfect, thanks much.
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    Tasker and BlueIris

    The way it was written to do above, the activation of BI start up VPN. So, BI finishes first. It's actually backwards. I tried to make it work by switching them around so VPN goes first and that activates BI. I'm very new at this so it's taking some time to work it all out. I may explore...
  12. P

    Tasker and BlueIris

    I'm having a small issue with this. When I click the BI icon, the VPN starts fine but I get a can't connect error on BI. When I go back in and hit connect again it works. It seems like BI is connecting faster than it is really detecting the VPN as running. Any ideas?
  13. P

    NoIP Access Not Working Cell Only

    I fiddled around with Open VPN since I am running a Linksys 1900ac. BI app runs fine remotely now and I'm not sure why. Wifi and Cell.
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    NoIP Access Not Working Cell Only

    I can access BI remotely CELL if I use my IP. If I switch over to my NOIP DDNS, it says unable to connect. DUC shows good service. I can access all of my cameras using TinyCam using that same NOIP DDNS so it kind of rules out NOIP DDSN as being bad? Something in BI software preventing the...
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    Notification Previews

    I was getting notifications for a long time which had a preview of the motion. Now recently, I get the large preview frame but it is blank, no picture. Any ideas on where to look to fix this? I haven't changed anything in my settings so am at a loss. Quick Edit: Turned WIFI off on phone...
  16. P

    BI Console Resolution/Scaling

    Running win10. Got a new monitor today, a big one. Blue Iris console menus/writing are all too tiny. Camera views are fantastic. Monitor is set up to scale at 200%. In order to make BI console to where I can see the writing without a magnifying glass, I have to increase all scaling to 350%...
  17. P

    How can I add more notification sounds?

    Yeah, that sounds like too much work for me. Maybe I could bribe the developer to create some generic sounds to incorporate into BI such as, driveway, firepit, parking lot, front door, back door, etc. etc. Wouldn't need to many, I mean how many cameras can you have? I figure maybe 20 or so...
  18. P

    How can I add more notification sounds?

    Ditto on really wanting to be able to do this. I would like spoken alerts for my cameras such as I have named them; parking lot, driveway, etc. There must be some way to make this happen. Thanks. (I have a droid phone so I use an app to create custom sounds. I used to use one for my blue...
  19. P

    Watchdog Alerts Not Working

    Hey ya'll. Happy Holidays. I have both of my cameras on timers to shut off 10 min per day so they resent. When they do, I have watchdog set up to email me loss of camera signal. This has worked perfectly for the last year. All the sudden, Dec 10th is the last time they were generated. When you...
  20. P

    Watchdog Alerts

    Hey ya'll. Happy Holidays. I have both of my cameras on timers to shut off 10 min per day so they resent. When they do, I have watchdog set up to email me loss of camera signal. This has worked perfectly for the last year. All the sudden, Dec 10th is the last time they were generated. When...
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    Mobile Push Notifications Strange

    Seems to be working now but i don't know why. funny.
  22. P

    Mobile Push Notifications Strange

    Yep. Test button works.. However, when I trigger the camera, no push notification. When I trigger the other camera, I get one.
  23. P

    Mobile Push Notifications Strange

    I have two cameras. Both set up the same way. Mobile push notifications work perfect on one but not the other. I am trying to test via triggering the camera. It triggers and I see the alert but no push notification. Any ideas?
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    F 19831W SD Storage

    I have two of these cameras, both have SD cards in them. I'm running BI and everything is working perfect except, I don't get any snapshots saved on the SD cards. I used Foscam viewer to make sure the setting says SD card but I'm not sure how these two programs conflict or work together. The...
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    Email Alerts Pcitures

    I have my camera to set to send me 10 pictures, yet it only sends one each time. Anyone have any ideas of why? Thank.s
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    Storing BI Clips on Google Drive

    I have tried this several times and get it to work. I dragged my New folder over to Google Drive. It shows a green checked mark but it is not synching with my C drive. Any ideas on how to store my .BVR files on GDrive? Thanks.