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  1. omserland

    Mini PTZ camera impressions! 2015 PTZ camera of the year? AVOID THIS CAMERA

    No, no access. I tried your APP tip also - No connection. Got a handfull other cams, and i get all of them working. seems like this one is worht the money i paid for it. My new paperweight. thank you all for your help. but i think it is done....
  2. omserland

    Mini PTZ camera impressions! 2015 PTZ camera of the year? AVOID THIS CAMERA

    It says 8000. tried two different cables. double checked them with another cam. all good!
  3. omserland

    Mini PTZ camera impressions! 2015 PTZ camera of the year? AVOID THIS CAMERA

    This is getting ridiculous. I manage to see the cam now in the SADP list, but have no way of getting into the WEB interface, or connecting to it throug any third party clients. also tried Telnet, but Could not open connection to the host.
  4. omserland

    Mini PTZ camera impressions! 2015 PTZ camera of the year? AVOID THIS CAMERA

    I did a port scan, and have tried all the open ports. still no luck.
  5. omserland

    Mini PTZ camera impressions! 2015 PTZ camera of the year? AVOID THIS CAMERA

    I checked with my friend, and he told me the IP. I am able to ping the camera connected to my computer via Ethernet, but i am not able to access it thoroug WEB or Client software. More cheap, more problems.... I am reading on your forum for some tips...
  6. omserland

    Mini PTZ camera impressions! 2015 PTZ camera of the year? AVOID THIS CAMERA

    alastairstevenson, Thanks for your pormp reply! Yes, i tried this software, but unfortunatly i am not able to see the camera.?
  7. omserland

    Mini PTZ camera impressions! 2015 PTZ camera of the year? AVOID THIS CAMERA

    Did anyone manage to find a way to reset this camera to Factory defaults ? I have issues finding the correct ip after someone changed it. Hoping for help! Thanks in advance!