Search results

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    Geovision UNP2500 Pin Hole Camera and Blue Iris

    Hello Gang, I have a need to use a Geovision UNP2500 Pin Hole camera and wondering if anyone has any experiance with this device and BI? I do not see it listed in the tested cameras so i am reaching out to the Collective. Owen k
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    NVR / cameras recommendation for non tech folks

    I know my way around NVR systems and deploy Blue Iris systems for my clients. Since I have this knowledge I am on a committee in our home owners association to come up with a recommendation for an NVR / cameras solution for not technical folks. So am hoping some you can recommend an off the...
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    I need to monitor one IP camera on one large (20-24") screen

    I have a golf ProShop that would like me to place a camera that has view of the first hole. This will have to be an IP cam because it is about 500' from the ProShop an will be connecting via NanoBeams. They do not want to record just view. So i need some type to web enabled TV or monitor does...
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    More trying to understand BI

    I am working with Ken on file archiving issues and this i think is another ez question that i do not want to bother Ken with. I need help understanding why i am getting this alert on drive usage I have the New folder set at Limit Folder Size to 200GB and Clip Age to 1 day and current New...
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    Trying to understand Web Viewing of clips

    Hello Gang and thanks for being here, I am new to the security camera world so on a steep learning curve. I have setup a system using BI and working through kinks with Ken but this is a question that it do not want to bother Ken with. I now have a month of recordings from Analog Cameras and 9...
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    800 foot run of CAT6

    Hello gang, I have a client of mine that I am helping spec an IP camera system for his storage yard and the camera contractor is claiming that running CAT6 cable 800 feet will work for 7 IP cameras and he does not need fiber. I know this is way out of spec for CAT6 but he is claiming that at 800...