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  1. 8

    What happened to my clips?

    Completely wiping BlueIris by removing all registry keys after uninstalling and re-setting up solved this issue with nothing in the left pane. In case anyone down the road reads this a couple things to point out... When looking for reg keys to remove also look for Perspective Software and...
  2. 8

    What happened to my clips?

    Happening to me as well, ZERO clips, no thumbnails, nothing. Cameras are recording 24/7 yet nothing appears in left pan. have tried all clips, new, stored, alerts.... NOTHING. have downgraded, upgraded... nothing works. Uninstalled BI, removed all remaining files from folders including DB...
  3. 8

    Need Help with False Alerts

    Originally posted this on the AI section but never got a response. Been using BI for about 3 years. My own system has 13 cameras. Have implemented and do manage BI for 3 other friends and family so I have the luxury of comparing systems when issues happen. Purchased many cameras under the...
  4. 8

    Need Help with False Alerts

    Been using BI for about 3 years. My own system has 13 cameras. Have implemented and do manage BI for 3 other friends and family so I have the luxury of comparing systems when issues happen. Purchased many cameras under the recommendation of good folks on this site. About 6 months ago found...
  5. 8

    Loryta SD49225XA-HNR Trigger Happy

    I thought i was imagining this but after reading your last post that must be what's happened to me in the past too. Like you said, how is it possible for BI to change a camera setting? I have all the motion settings set to zero squares, low sensitivity, etc.
  6. 8

    Loryta SD49225XA-HNR Trigger Happy

    Thanks for that as well... just disabled 2 that i found... will see how long this lasts. Again, appreciate you taking the time to respond in detail.
  7. 8

    Loryta SD49225XA-HNR Trigger Happy

    Thanks, that appears to have solved the happy trigger issue. More time will tell. Regarding IE in my experience when you change the bho folder after about a day or two due to presumably windows updates you have to repeat the process. Currently i'm adding the camera's http address in the white...
  8. 8

    Loryta SD49225XA-HNR Trigger Happy

    Bought this thing about a year ago from Andy. Not a fun camera to deal with since you cannot use any browser but the now obsolete Internet Explorer browser which requires jumping through many hoops but I digress. Depending on the time of year including now it is constantly triggering and auto...
  9. 8

    SD49225XA-HNR ONVIF triggers

    okay this is weird, as soon as i posted now it's working, the only thing i did was check on the config button next to ONVIF/camera events which is a new feature but didn't do anything with it, now when i open this config option the listen for section at the bottom appears different with green...
  10. 8

    SD49225XA-HNR ONVIF triggers

    About a year ago I purchased this camera based on a recommendation in this forum. Happy with the camera however recently not able to get any external triggers from this camera. I've been trying to figure out what changed and different things but no luck. Basically just want to get alerts only...
  11. 8

    No image improvement, 1080p camera vs 4k

    Nope... deader than a doorknob.
  12. 8

    No image improvement, 1080p camera vs 4k

    I'm using the additional round mount thing also purchased from Andy along with rubber access port to it. Checked for water intrusion and it was dry as a bone as was the sealed connection around the net cables. The entry port is pointing down as well so water can't get in.
  13. 8

    No image improvement, 1080p camera vs 4k

    Just to clarify, I put the new switch in weeks ago, the camera died on Friday during a rain storm. I'm not using any plug in power for the camera, just through the poe switch. Does this method you are describing work in this scenario? Thanks.
  14. 8

    No image improvement, 1080p camera vs 4k

    After all of this it appears my POE switch sucks. Here's what i got and has solved all stuttering issues: Could be either the brand made the difference or 1G speeds did despite what I've read about cameras only...
  15. 8

    No image improvement, 1080p camera vs 4k

    Doing as you suggested did not improve the matter, but yes I did try that. As of late cpu usage has been been around 30-50% on average. Have been utilizing a combo of ivs and deepstack (cpu version... never could figure out how to get the gpu version up and running but will still like to give...
  16. 8

    No image improvement, 1080p camera vs 4k

    The stuttering is noticeable just watching the wind blowing the trees around but always seen as cars drive by (25mph neighborhood) or to a lesser extent when people walk by. Okay well after trying all the various things mentioned and not seeing any improvement here's what i've discovered...
  17. 8

    No image improvement, 1080p camera vs 4k

    I don't know what else to try besides getting another poe switch. Any other thoughts? Are your 4k cameras perfect? I mean maybe i should expect a little stutter and my expectations are too high? I don't think so cause it's pretty bad at 8192. Anything higher than that I'd imagine would be...
  18. 8

    No image improvement, 1080p camera vs 4k

    Answering all questions posed up to this point. As stated before all cameras are set to 15fps with matching i frame. Changed auto negotiate to 1gbps (didn't help) Nothing wrong with cables as this is happening to all 4k cameras. Only using 1 ivs rule per camera. Tried disabling those to see...
  19. 8

    No image improvement, 1080p camera vs 4k

    To clarify... I'm running 4096 @4k/8MP any bitrate higher makes the problem much worse. Yes the downside I see to lower bit rates is the image isn't as good but as you've said it's more important to get good motion image vs. static. So are you saying I should be able to run higher bit rates...
  20. 8

    No image improvement, 1080p camera vs 4k

    IPC-Color4K-X-2.8MM & 3.8MM all on 4096 kb/s, much better than using 8192 but still not perfect
  21. 8

    No image improvement, 1080p camera vs 4k

    All of those settings are set that way and hasn't changed. wittaj curious to know what you think as well. Again reducing the bit rate has helped but am confused cause i thought that would make it worse. Would you care to share your settings? We have some of the same cameras.
  22. 8

    No image improvement, 1080p camera vs 4k

    Well I did it, put in a second net card, assigned it Changed all the cameras accordingly, took the poe switch off the router and plugged directly into the 2nd net port. Sadly hasn't helped the stutter or whatever you want to call it. It's only happening to 4k cameras presumably...
  23. 8

    No image improvement, 1080p camera vs 4k

    Yea, i use AnyDesk to remote to all my computers so not a big deal, just a bit easier not having to remote into the BI first. What ip range are you using for the isolated camera network? My main network is 192.168.1.#
  24. 8

    No image improvement, 1080p camera vs 4k

    oh wow, I've never fully understood why some mboards have 2 net ports until now. The problem i see with this approach is i would only being able to access the camera's gui's from the BI computer, correct? The problem has to be the way in which i'm currently running since when viewing the live...
  25. 8

    No image improvement, 1080p camera vs 4k

    All of the cameras are using the recommended fps of 15 with equivalent I frame interval. I have bit rate set to highest... if i lower that can this help? All devices including cameras inevitably go through a router... please elaborate on how a router can impact this issue. Thanks.
  26. 8

    No image improvement, 1080p camera vs 4k

    So just to be clear, the lower the shutter number (0-0ms being the lowest possible) will give you the least amount of what i'll call "stutter" or "jagged" video where frames appear to be missing... is that correct? Reason i'm asking is I can't seem to eliminate this problem from any of my 4k...
  27. 8

    No image improvement, 1080p camera vs 4k

    Thanks for this, new injector has solve this problem with the SD49225XA-HNR ... next question, could you share your settings with this cameras as I believe you stated you also own this thing? I'm getting terrible night vision using various settings i've tried.
  28. 8

    No image improvement, 1080p camera vs 4k

    Wow okay, man you are a wealth of knowledge. So this should get the job done correct?
  29. 8

    No image improvement, 1080p camera vs 4k

    This particular camera is on it's own injector, the length from this injector to the camera is only like 15 feet Initially when i set it up had it on my main switch...
  30. 8

    No image improvement, 1080p camera vs 4k

    Hey wittaj, i've had the SD49225XA-HNR for almost a month, will be tomorrow, and need to figure quickly if i should return this thing. Here's the problem: After a day of installing the camera lost signal for several hours overnight. Happened one other time but hadn't happened again until last...