Blueiris h264 with quicksync vs h265


Young grasshopper
Mar 28, 2015
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Currently I'm just using a big ol un-fancy processor to run my main system. (see my sig). Most all my cameras are now on h265 (although I believe currently, h264 gives a better picture on my hiks, h265 I assume uses less resources so that's what I do if the camera has the option). I'm always casually considering upgrading things ( a problem of mine =)) so this led me to some questions when considering cpu's and hardware acceleration...

Also.. I have another smaller system that is completely h265 with a newer cpu so I have quicksync enabled.

So questions....

Is there any advantages to even having h264 hardware acceleration if all my cameras are set to h265?

Would h264 with hardware acceleration enabled be less taxing to a cpu than h265 without since h265 is more efficient?

and one more.. I assume at this point a 7th or 8th gen processor (that supports h265 hardware acceleration I believe) would have no advantage to an older that only supports h264 acceleration since BI doesn't support h265 acceleration correct?



Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Currently I'm just using a big ol un-fancy processor to run my main system. (see my sig). Most all my cameras are now on h265 (although I believe currently, h264 gives a better picture on my hiks, h265 I assume uses less resources so that's what I do if the camera has the option). I'm always casually considering upgrading things ( a problem of mine =)) so this led me to some questions when considering cpu's and hardware acceleration...

Also.. I have another smaller system that is completely h265 with a newer cpu so I have quicksync enabled.

So questions....

Is there any advantages to even having h264 hardware acceleration if all my cameras are set to h265?

Would h264 with hardware acceleration enabled be less taxing to a cpu than h265 without since h265 is more efficient?

and one more.. I assume at this point a 7th or 8th gen processor (that supports h265 hardware acceleration I believe) would have no advantage to an older that only supports h264 acceleration since BI doesn't support h265 acceleration correct?

h.265 is not more efficient, it requires more processing power, not less...
while BI does not support h.265 acceleration now, I would assume it will at some point if you have the 6+ gen processors...


Young grasshopper
Mar 28, 2015
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I guess I assumed it took more processing power at the camera but since it's a smaller file that it was less of a load for BI, but maybe currently the only real advantage of h265 within BI is the fact that it's just a smaller file eh? So probably most efficient to have a processor with quicksync and take my cameras back down to h264. I have all HIkvision cameras. Is quicksync still effective using hikvisions h264+ or just using h264?


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I guess I assumed it took more processing power at the camera but since it's a smaller file that it was less of a load for BI, but maybe currently the only real advantage of h265 within BI is the fact that it's just a smaller file eh? So probably most efficient to have a processor with quicksync and take my cameras back down to h264. I have all HIkvision cameras. Is quicksync still effective using hikvisions h264+ or just using h264?
h.264+ is proprietary and should not be used with BI.
if you have enough power there is not reason not to use 265


Young grasshopper
Mar 28, 2015
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Hey thanks, I will def. take your word for it as you know more about this than I for sure. Looking ahead I see power being an issue as I keep growing the system it seems. My 8 core ivy is at about 50% right now and I've noticed some occasional ghosting and playback lag that seems to change depending on BI's work load. So as I add more cameras, I keep backing of things like fps.

So I was considering just doing a cheap upgrade to a 10 or 12 core ivy (although I hear so much about quicksync being very important if you have a big BI system) as compared to dropping cores for acceleration abilities by just getting a 6 core i7-8700.


Young grasshopper
Nov 28, 2017
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... I was considering just doing a cheap upgrade to a 10 or 12 core ivy ... as compared to dropping cores for acceleration abilities....
I've never seen any equivalency statements such as "hardware acceleration decoding gains the equivalent of x cores of CPU." It would be hard to compare as there are probably multiple factors such as power consumption and raw compute throughput to consider.


Young grasshopper
Mar 28, 2015
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Well the blue iris update helper by bp2008 was quite helpful at answering my cores vs hardware acceleration question... Blue Iris Update Helper

It's showing someone with an i7-7700k (that has hardware accel and clocked faster but only HALF the threads as the CPU I'm using) Is handling a lot heavier Blue Iris load than my current CPU (which has twice as many threads) at about the same CPU load percentage.

So it appears running a newer CPU that's faster and has quicksync, can more efficiently handle Blue Iris than just straight up cores without the newer technology.


Aug 7, 2017
Reaction score
Well the blue iris update helper by bp2008 was quite helpful at answering my cores vs hardware acceleration question... Blue Iris Update Helper

It's showing someone with an i7-7700k (that has hardware accel and clocked faster but only HALF the threads as the CPU I'm using) Is handling a lot heavier Blue Iris load than my current CPU (which has twice as many threads) at about the same CPU load percentage.

So it appears running a newer CPU that's faster and has quicksync, can more efficiently handle Blue Iris than just straight up cores without the newer technology.
Hardware acceleration is vital! If you're referring to the i7-7700K with 34 cams/1400 MP/s, that's our system. While setting it up I'd tried h.265 to see how it does and didn't even make it to 10 cams before hitting 100% CPU. Currently at 34 cams and will probably end up closer to 40 when we're done. Hopefully BI will support h.265 hardware acceleration in the near future. Could really use the reduced bandwidth requirements of h.265 as we're pulling a number of feeds over different VPNs.


Young grasshopper
Mar 28, 2015
Reaction score
Hardware acceleration is vital! If you're referring to the i7-7700K with 34 cams/1400 MP/s, that's our system. While setting it up I'd tried h.265 to see how it does and didn't even make it to 10 cams before hitting 100% CPU. Currently at 34 cams and will probably end up closer to 40 when we're done. Hopefully BI will support h.265 hardware acceleration in the near future. Could really use the reduced bandwidth requirements of h.265 as we're pulling a number of feeds over different VPNs.
Hey, yes that's the system that convinced me to wait out and just do a rebuild with an 8th gen i7 later this year instead of just bumping up the cores and clock speed some =)

Probably the main problem I'm noticing with this older CPU is lag while searching through alerts and events. Like if I have a clip up and I'm jumping through the time line. That has become noticeably slower, the more cameras I add. Especially on my 8mp cam. Have you noticed anything like this with your system? I'm hoping a newer CPU will fix this and some other issues, although it's hard telling until you spend the $$


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Hey, yes that's the system that convinced me to wait out and just do a rebuild with an 8th gen i7 later this year instead of just bumping up the cores and clock speed some =)

Probably the main problem I'm noticing with this older CPU is lag while searching through alerts and events. Like if I have a clip up and I'm jumping through the time line. That has become noticeably slower, the more cameras I add. Especially on my 8mp cam. Have you noticed anything like this with your system? I'm hoping a newer CPU will fix this and some other issues, although it's hard telling until you spend the $$
are you using an SSD for BI, the OS AND the blue iris database file?


Young grasshopper
Mar 28, 2015
Reaction score
are you using an SSD for BI, the OS AND the blue iris database file?
Yeah, Currently I have an 850 Pro 128GB with the OS, BI, and the DB and then three 3TB WD red drives taking care of all the clips.
Things are still manageable just, it def. used to be a lot faster and seems to have slowed as I've grown. Maybe it's just because of the large database as well, idk for sure. Curious if it seems better on a system like james603 with a newer CPU that can also take advantage of much faster RAM, and just an all around faster machine.