iSPY using CPU @ 100% making OS freezing and not responding


May 13, 2020
Reaction score
I everybody I am Nicolas from Link6 IT company.

Here's my issue:

I have installed iSpy on a computer with a CPU Amd athlon X3 450 @3.20GHz and 4Gb of RAM (with HDD 500Gb). iSPY is running with 6 cams ( Zavio F731E)

At the beginning it was the HDD that was saturated by iSPY. So i decided to put the frame rate at 2 per second. It worked but after that, the cpu got overcharged.

Does anybody have any idea of why the CPU gets overloaded all the time?

By the way I am trying this: found at iSpy User Guide

Performance Tips
iSpy will let you add an unlimited number of cameras and microphones - right up to the point where your computer cannot cope and will crash. Keep an eye on the performance counters on the status bar of iSpy as they will tell you when you are running out of memory or CPU. Note that CPU can spike when recording video and encoding. There are a number of things you can do to squeeze better performance out of iSpy:
  1. You can increase the number of cameras by decreasing the framerate of each camera
  2. You can increase the number of cameras by decreasing the resolution of each camera – one 1280 x 960 camera requires the same processing power of 4 cameras at 640 x 480 cameras or 16 cameras at 320 x 240
  3. Having a dedicated PC running iSpy ensures that user interaction or other software won’t interrupt the video processing tasks.
  4. Use a 64 bit version of iSpy instead of a 32 bit version if you have a 64 bit PC (improves CPU and increases available memory)
  5. Save to AVI files instead of MP4 files on the recording tab of your cameras - this takes a lot less CPU (approx. half). You can download the AVI videos through the website but you wont be able to play them over the web/ mobile.
  6. Reduce the Max Redraw Rate in settings to save CPU on resizing the live video feeds.
  7. Set Buffer Frames on the recording tab to 0 - any buffering means that ispy is converting frames to JPEG images even when not recording.
  8. If using grid views minimise the video feeds in ispy using view - auto layout objects - minimise to save on graphics processing.
You can also set a maximum CPU target value in settings. By default this is set to 90%. This means that when your CPU usage goes over 90% iSpy will start reducing the framerates of your cameras to help protect against a crash. Once the CPU drops back below 90% iSpy will increase the framerates again. Common causes for this are multiple simultaneous recordings or scheduled tasks like disk defragmenting.

Thank you all for your help/clues ;-)



Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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i know. But it's not mine ;-) so i have to deal with that.
The fact that you dont own it doesnt change the advice. Its not magically going to start working properly. Be honest with the user and tell them that they’re better off buying a new computer then paying you.
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Known around here
Jan 13, 2019
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United Kingdom
No, i have to ask my client for that. BUt the RAM is fine anyway.
Strange reply, how do you know that 4Gb of RAM is fine?

I personally for a bare bones W10 machine would always suggest 8Gb as a minimum. For my BI machine I run 12Gb.