PC-NVR for Dahua or ?


Getting the hang of it
Oct 30, 2016
Reaction score
I do not have a long term solution but I do have short term search with iVMS Lite 4200 under Hikvision. It reads the SD Cards from the cameras and can playback, showing events. Pretty accurate at catching several events, including a tree falling down onto my driveway (I was looking to see if it was a microburst, related to the wind storm we'd just had or .. sheer luck (bad).

I've been running Blue Iris on an old I5-2400 with 20gb ram, no video card. It's version 5; I bought version 4 but never used it to support the site, so no video card support and even then I only have AMD GPUs with HEVC on a single chip, so probably no performance improvement. The CPU is totally maxed out when I added the last camera (total of 8).

Anyway, the Dahua cameras do not have onboard storage and I never finished hacking the firmware to support it. It also appears they don't do a good job writing out to a NAS very well, or I'm not triggering the events properly.

So is there a similar solution as the lite iVMS for Dahua cameras? I've tried Smart PSS but after nearly a week of fighting it I gave up. I thought I had it working remotely on a PC (said same i5-2400) capturing the Dahua cameras to disk, but it wouldn't work with a NAS, so I created a iSCSI target and let it write to that. Still didn't work.

Or am I just going to have to suck it up and either learn BI in and out or buy a couple of NVRs. I have a particularly **** Hikvision unit that is horribly crippled and I'm still working on wiping the firmware to something decent.

-Why not interested in BI? I guess I am but I've had many problems, especially working remote to another PC, and I haven't found an easy way to kick the configuration between them. I'm 'unique' I know.

Thank you much for ideas and educ-ma-cation.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I do not have a long term solution but I do have short term search with iVMS Lite 4200 under Hikvision. It reads the SD Cards from the cameras and can playback, showing events. Pretty accurate at catching several events, including a tree falling down onto my driveway (I was looking to see if it was a microburst, related to the wind storm we'd just had or .. sheer luck (bad).

I've been running Blue Iris on an old I5-2400 with 20gb ram, no video card. It's version 5; I bought version 4 but never used it to support the site, so no video card support and even then I only have AMD GPUs with HEVC on a single chip, so probably no performance improvement. The CPU is totally maxed out when I added the last camera (total of 8).

Anyway, the Dahua cameras do not have onboard storage and I never finished hacking the firmware to support it. It also appears they don't do a good job writing out to a NAS very well, or I'm not triggering the events properly.

So is there a similar solution as the lite iVMS for Dahua cameras? I've tried Smart PSS but after nearly a week of fighting it I gave up. I thought I had it working remotely on a PC (said same i5-2400) capturing the Dahua cameras to disk, but it wouldn't work with a NAS, so I created a iSCSI target and let it write to that. Still didn't work.

Or am I just going to have to suck it up and either learn BI in and out or buy a couple of NVRs. I have a particularly **** Hikvision unit that is horribly crippled and I'm still working on wiping the firmware to something decent.

-Why not interested in BI? I guess I am but I've had many problems, especially working remote to another PC, and I haven't found an easy way to kick the configuration between them. I'm 'unique' I know.

Thank you much for ideas and educ-ma-cation.
Why do you think you will have less problems with pss than blue iris?
Any of your problems with BI are user error.
Also with the new substream function even your 9 year old pc would work. It will likely work without it but you have provide no information on your load.
Blue iris has a remote connect function but it will require a second licences which can be purchased at a discount from the developer. Or use something simple like teamviewer or windows built in remote desktop.


Getting the hang of it
Oct 30, 2016
Reaction score
sigh. I said it was user error. I said I bought BI. I said all that, OK? Yes yes yes, you're right. 100%. The cameras are triggering properly for motion but BI isn't. 100% my fault. I don't have time to futz with it though anymore, especially remotely over RDP.

Now, can we get back to my question: Is there any remote PC-NVR software capable of interfacing to NAS units for Dahua cameras, or is there any special tricks to using ISCSI block devices with PCNVR/SmartPSS?