Dear BP,
Thank you for having made the most beautifull and functional addition to
Blueiris. We use your interface every day and we enjoy all the possibilities that your interface offers.
We do however have a few requests that will hopefully make it towards your wishlist.
1. Buttons for skipping 10 frames and 1 second
Currently, if you switch on all of the playbackbuttons in the interface, this is what you get:
Everyday we are tasked to track and export images from clips where certain 'events' where happening.
When you designed the interface, having just the buttons for skipping or reverting 10 seconds and 1 frame looks promising, but if you are tasked daily with navigating towards certain events, you will notice that you would like to have at least the following extra buttons:
- Minus 5 seconds
- Minus 1 second
- Minus 10 frames
- Plus 10 frames
- Plus 1 second
- Plus 5 seconds
Would you please consider in adding these extra buttons as featurerequest please?
2. Speed play
Currently you have real time speed, 2x, 4x, 8x etc.
We have to daily evaluate several hours of clips with running traffic (cars, bicycles etc).
If you do this on a daily basis, you will find that a speed of 4x takes you up to 15 min evaluation time for each hour of footage (with cars running so smooth you can easily track them). Evaluating the clips at 8x speed would be more convenient, but if you do this on a daily basis, you will find that the 8x speeds is actually sometimes to quick in order not to miss a particular car or movement.
Would you please consider to add 6x speed as well, since practically a 6x speed is a good intermediate speed at which you would be able to both work economicly (timewise) and still see all movements
3. Reverse play
During the evaluation of the clips, it would be very handy if you were able to play a certain piece of a clip backwards in stead of forwards.
Currently changing the direction of viewing from forward to backwards requires you to click on the option dialog and change a slider from forward to backwards.
Would you consider making the forward/backwards slider directly available on the screen (as option) in order to avoird clicking via de submenu etc?
4. Export
If we are tasked to find a certain event, we are asked to provide both a still picture and short mp4 of the event as proof of what happened.
Currently, if you have reached a certain point (timecode) in a clip, and you want to export, clicking on the export button brings up the export dialog with the red and green slider.
However... if you click the export button you
loose the exact time code where you actually were!
In order to export a relevant clip you have to navigate both sliders towards the timecode (hopefully you remembered it!)
A huge improvement would be to have the option to be able to preset a certain window (for example plus and minus 10 seconds) to have the UI interface export a certain part of clip with a pre-event en post-event margin (user defined).
That would greatly improve using UI3 for tracking events the way we do daily.
5. Jog-dial like interface
Of course on the top of our wishlist would be to have some kind of jogdial interface where you can work with just to buttons (for example + and -) in order to navigate through a clip.
Pressing + several times would speed up playback, while pressing minus would slow playback (and pressing minus while the clip is paused automatically is seen by UI3 as command for reverse playback
6. Playback of several cams simulaniously
We know blueiris does currently not support this feature, but being able to view the clips of several cams in one view (and scrolling forward and backwards with all clips showing the same timecode-clip would be our ultimate dream.
Hope the above featurerequests make sense to you. We are happy to answer any questions or to demonstrate why we requested these particular features.
Kind regards,
The Nuclear Bunker team