Find the cat :)


BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2016
SE Michigan USA
Living out in the country, we've always had this issue with city people thinking that this is the perfect spot to dump their cats. It was really bad about 15 years ago, but the last few years we were really lucky (as were cats). This year, someone dumped a cat just as the weather was turning. It turned feral fast so we've been putting food and milk/water out for it when it stops by (I have a cam set up with a "meow" alert in BI). I'll be grabbing some hay today to make it a reasonable home out there for the winter. Anyway, now that I've bored you with this LOOONNNGG story...

Find the cat! :)
I give up! :idk:
Son of a! I looked at this for 15 mins and had to view the spoiler

Who's going next? I think we need to keep this thread going
Had to go full screen and blow up the hi res image but finally found him. Little sneaker..
Can you spot all the cats?

With cold weather coming up, I want to at least give her a chance to make the winter. Walmart had the cooler on sale for 24.99. The local animal store had straw for 9 bucks a bale (I now have most of a bale of straw on hand). The reflective insulated layer is leftovers from insulating my telescope a few years back. Finally, who doesn't have duct tape? :p So basically, her shelter cost me 35 bucks.


The last pic is a WiFi cam I have setup in BI to keep an eye on the entrance. I placed the shelter in a protected area on the south side of my house with the entrance facing east. That's all I've got...
With cold weather coming up, I want to at least give her a chance to make the winter. Walmart had the cooler on sale for 24.99. The local animal store had straw for 9 bucks a bale (I now have most of a bale of straw on hand). The reflective insulated layer is leftovers from insulating my telescope a few years back. Finally, who doesn't have duct tape? :p So basically, her shelter cost me 35 bucks.

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The last pic is a WiFi cam I have setup in BI to keep an eye on the entrance. I placed the shelter in a protected area on the south side of my house with the entrance facing east. That's all I've got...
OK, is it called a "Cat Yeti" or a "Puss Igloo" ? :idk::lmao: