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  1. S

    Configuring watchdog for all cameras

    TLDR: Looking for a global setting for a watchdog to notify me of video loss on any camera. I feel like I'm always asking questions, but I searched the forum and didn't find an answer, so here goes: Is there a way to apply a watchdog to all cameras at once? I have close to fifty cameras on...
  2. S

    Different views in UI3

    I have an application in which I need to display about two dozen cameras across two different displays, where they are monitored live. I have been using UI3 on a tinyPC for live monitoring in most applications, but I would like two different views with a dozen cameras each, so I can put them on...
  3. S

    Axis P3245-LVE substream configuration

    I had an application where I had to add 12 Axis cameras to an existing install, and I couldn't find documentation on the parameters for the substreams anywhere. I finally got it figured out, and I thought I'd post what worked for me. These settings worked for the P3245-LVE and the P3016. If...
  4. S

    Blue Iris requirements for display only

    I have been using Blue Iris for a while and have multiple installs, but I have encountered a use case that I have not previously seen. I have Blue Iris installed as a service, recording about 44 cameras. However, I need to watch the cameras in realtime as well. Watching them in realtime comes...