May I make a humble request (ok, plead for an Apple TV version of the iOS app?
Having the household cameras available on the TV would be great.
The best bet is probably for IP cam viewer to make it onto there, or any other generic IP cam viewing app
I recommend you ask the blue iris developer directly if you want a tvOS app, so he can gauge the interest. He'll probably never see this thread.
I wouldn't count on it happening soon though, if at all. tvOS is not likely to be nearly as popular as iOS.
It seems the apple TV doesn't have a web browser, and in fact Apple doesn't even allow developers to include web views in their apps. So a browser-based solution is not likely either. The best bet is probably for IP cam viewer to make it onto there, or any other generic IP cam viewing app. Then you could at least point it at streams from the Blue Iris web server.
Ahh, yes. That would be awesome. Hopefully Apple will allow 3rd party apps to control the screensaver, too.
I'm still trying to figure out how to view my IP cam or cams located on the same network as my ROKU's.ROKU is king!
I received a reply back from BI support.
"Working on this soon!"
So, anyone else wanting an AppleTV app, send him an email, let him know we want an app!