Blue Iris Database Issue

Sep 5, 2015
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Good afternoon,

I have been having an issue with BI's database since the introduction of Deepstack last year. I will occasionally get error messages in the log that read 6/19/2022 2:47:38 PM Alerts: Delete: 92 items 10.5M [4.00G/4.00G, 133.4G free] 1 errors (70)

I've been troubleshooting this issue for a little while and I figured out how to replicate it. It appears when the "alerts" folder gets full, BI generates the above mentioned error message when it attempts to delete old files. Doing a database repair/regenerate or a database delete and regenerate will not fix this issue. My temporary workaround is to reduce the file size limit to 1GB on the Alerts folder until BI deletes all of the files down to 1GB in size. I will then raise the limit to 8GB which will buy me a month or two before it gets full, thus avoiding the annoying error messages.

I've found this error only occurs on systems running deepstack that have email or pushover notifications enabled for AI alerts. I'm not experiencing this issue on BI systems where deepstack isn't installed or is installed but only storing the AI alerts locally. Keep in mind I'm only managing four BI systems so that might be a coincidence.

I've followed all the requirements in the help file in regards to installing BI and excluding the database from windows defender. BI is running as a service with administrator credentials, not as a local service, all BI folders including storage locations are excluded from Windows Defender, all BI processes are also excluded. I don't have any other virus or firewall software installed on any of these computers.

The computers are running different generations of Intel processors from 4th gen to 10th gen.

My system has a 10th gen Intel i7 10700, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD system drive and 6TB Western Digital Purple.

I've emailed BI support about this issue.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue or am I missing a setting somewhere?
Sep 5, 2015
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After going back and forth with BI support for a few weeks Ken was able to locate the bug and fix it in the 5.6.0.x updates. He stated, "the maintenance was trying to delete some alerts twice, once from the Alerts list and once from the Cancelled alerts list". I've been testing it for the past 24 hours and it appears the bug has been fixed. Just an FYI for anyone who has been having this issue.