Blue Iris UI3


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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I have an issue and a request for an upgrade.
First, the request. Is it possible to add the GPU % to the stats on the lower left corner? I'm running Deepstack GPU version and would like to be able to monitor the GPU usage overall.
UI3 doesn't have any way of knowing your GPU usage numbers (because Blue Iris does not provide that information). Unfortunately even if it did, it isn't a good fit. Literally. Putting more things into the Server Status section would require a lot of redesign so that it would not need to grow in height to accommodate having more data. Vertical side bar space is extremely valuable on small displays which I must always take into consideration. And the Timeline tab added earlier this year has pretty much locked in the available height for the Server Status section.

Also, you might not realize this, but GPUs do not have just one usage metric that is relevant to Blue Iris. Have a look at all the things in Windows Task Manager > Performance tab. There are a ton of values in there, and at least 5 of them are relevant in some Blue Iris installs. Not to mention the fact that Blue Iris can use more than one GPU.

I think I found out how to fix the blurry images...In the UI settings, under Video Player, I increased the Dynamic Group Max Resolution from 1440 to 3960 and it immediately made a difference. Going higher, didn't do anything.
Yes, this was the proper solution. But do be aware this may increase your server's CPU usage a lot when it is streaming a group at such a high resolution.


Jan 7, 2022
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UI3 doesn't have any way of knowing your GPU usage numbers (because Blue Iris does not provide that information). Unfortunately even if it did, it isn't a good fit. Literally. Putting more things into the Server Status section would require a lot of redesign so that it would not need to grow in height to accommodate having more data. Vertical side bar space is extremely valuable on small displays which I must always take into consideration. And the Timeline tab added earlier this year has pretty much locked in the available height for the Server Status section.

Also, you might not realize this, but GPUs do not have just one usage metric that is relevant to Blue Iris. Have a look at all the things in Windows Task Manager > Performance tab. There are a ton of values in there, and at least 5 of them are relevant in some Blue Iris installs. Not to mention the fact that Blue Iris can use more than one GPU.

Yes, this was the proper solution. But do be aware this may increase your server's CPU usage a lot when it is streaming a group at such a high resolution.
No problem on the GPU.
The CPU usage sits at 3-6%. Usage is barely noticeable.



Getting the hang of it
Oct 16, 2017
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I have a question about timeout on Edge. I switched from Chrome to Edge because Chrome was giving me a green screen but Edge is timing out on me even though I set timeout to 0. Chrome stayed connected for me but I can't seem to get Edge to stay connected. Is this a known issue with Edge or do I need to do something different?


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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@Baubas Please clarify what happens in Edge that shouldn't be happening. With screenshots, video, or whatever is necessary to show it.

UI3's idle timeout feature sends you to a very distinctive "Web Interface Timeout" page. If you aren't sent there, then your issue has nothing to do with UI3's idle timeout. For some reason, lots of people get confused about this.


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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Okay so that is just an authentication prompt from your web browser, and is not related to UI3's idle timeout. Side note, the timeout=0 url parameter you added is not supposed to have a quotation mark in it.

My best guess is Blue Iris crashed and that you have BI configured to run as a service, so BI restarted immediately by itself. When BI crashes, all active web server sessions are lost. At that point, UI3's background status requests would get a failure response due to the invalid session, and that triggers a warning message in the lower right corner of UI3 which is visible for 3 seconds before UI3 reloads itself.

Upon reload, Blue Iris tells the web browser to show a login prompt because you don't have "secure session keys and login page" enabled, and therefore the login page isn't used, and you can't get automatically logged back in.

You can verify if Blue Iris is crashing by simply looking at the "Log" tab in the BI status window. Near the bottom you might have a "Restarted after unexpected shutdown" like in this screenshot:


Unfortunately, anything about the cause of the crash is pretty close to impossible to determine if you aren't Ken Pletzer sitting in front of his development machine. So ... good luck with that.


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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This evening with the help of some feedback that was forwarded to me by BI support, I found a bug that could cause video corruption in UI3's HTML5 player. It was a relatively new bug added in UI3-220 on June 28th. It is now fixed in UI3-223 and I am eager to find out if this fixes the "green video" problem that many have been reporting when using UI3 in Chrome with the default HTML5 video player.

If anyone who can reliably reproduce the green video problem AND is running UI3-220 or later could manually install UI3-223 and let me know if it solves the problem or not, I'd love to hear about it. Manual installation instructions for UI3 are here.


IPCT Contributor
Apr 5, 2017
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Brooklyn, NY
This evening with the help of some feedback that was forwarded to me by BI support, I found a bug that could cause video corruption in UI3's HTML5 player. It was a relatively new bug added in UI3-220 on June 28th. It is now fixed in UI3-223 and I am eager to find out if this fixes the "green video" problem that many have been reporting when using UI3 in Chrome with the default HTML5 video player.

If anyone who can reliably reproduce the green video problem AND is running UI3-220 or later could manually install UI3-223 and let me know if it solves the problem or not, I'd love to hear about it. Manual installation instructions for UI3 are here.
I just tested, no more green video. Thanks @bp2008


Pulling my weight
Nov 24, 2019
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This evening with the help of some feedback that was forwarded to me by BI support, I found a bug that could cause video corruption in UI3's HTML5 player. It was a relatively new bug added in UI3-220 on June 28th. It is now fixed in UI3-223 and I am eager to find out if this fixes the "green video" problem that many have been reporting when using UI3 in Chrome with the default HTML5 video player.

If anyone who can reliably reproduce the green video problem AND is running UI3-220 or later could manually install UI3-223 and let me know if it solves the problem or not, I'd love to hear about it. Manual installation instructions for UI3 are here.
Brief tests here however, no green frames! Thank you.


May 8, 2015
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This evening with the help of some feedback that was forwarded to me by BI support, I found a bug that could cause video corruption in UI3's HTML5 player. It was a relatively new bug added in UI3-220 on June 28th. It is now fixed in UI3-223 and I am eager to find out if this fixes the "green video" problem that many have been reporting when using UI3 in Chrome with the default HTML5 video player.

If anyone who can reliably reproduce the green video problem AND is running UI3-220 or later could manually install UI3-223 and let me know if it solves the problem or not, I'd love to hear about it. Manual installation instructions for UI3 are here.
Before and after versions
UI3 version 221, Blue Iris version:
UI3 version 223, Blue Iris version:

No problems after installing UI3 v223.

Philip Gonzales

Getting comfortable
Sep 20, 2017
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I'm sorry it took so long to figure out what changed to cause that. To this day I've never seen it in person so I was unable to do anything on my end to find the problem :(
No problem at all. It's all part of the process of developing. I'm sure we'll glady all deal with the minor bugs than to not have UI3 at all, so it is all good! Heck it's a great product and we love it! You are only human. Although a very wise one! Keep up the good work bud!


Getting the hang of it
Oct 16, 2017
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If we don't manually update to 223, when will we get it?


Getting comfortable
May 8, 2016
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@bp2008 Love, love your timeline view. It's very useful for reviewing footage, switching between groups, cameras ad-hoc without losing my current date/time position. Awesome!

Enhancement request: I'm curious if the alert details can be added to the highlighted area in screenshot (i.e. current timestamp display). What I mean is the details about the alert in view: camera short name, memo, plate, etc..

Perhaps as option via UI settings like: &CAM &MEMO &PLATE &TYPE

timeline view.png
Last edited:


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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@bp2008 Love, love your timeline view. It's very useful for reviewing footage, switching between groups, cameras ad-hoc without losing my current date/time position. Awesome!

Enhancement request: I'm curious if the alert details can be added to the highlighted area in screenshot (i.e. current timestamp display). What I mean is the details about the alert in view: camera short name, memo, plate, etc..

Perhaps as option via UI settings like: &CAM &MEMO &PLATE &TYPE

View attachment 140063
Nope, sorry, none of that information is available. Blue Iris basically just says where to draw each color, and UI3 doesn't even know which cameras were involved in the bars drawn on the timeline.


Sep 19, 2022
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Hmm. Switching cameras without returning to the group view is not something I ever wanted myself (and I still don't).

Swipe gestures don't make much sense in areas that support zoom, because they interfere with panning. I suppose I could do swipe detection on the video player only if you aren't zoomed in at all. But that seems really janky having a function like that silently enable or disable itself based on zoom state.
I will second the need to be able to swipe between cameras like the app does. In UI3 when I select a camera for it to go full screen it would be great if I could swipe left or right to go to the next camera instead of tapping to go back to the group and then tapping again to maximize the next camera!



BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2014
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I will second the need to be able to swipe between cameras like the app does. In UI3 when I select a camera for it to go full screen it would be great if I could swipe left or right to go to the next camera instead of tapping to go back to the group and then tapping again to maximize the next camera!

Me too!

Now that I've registered that vote, quick question about picture-in-picture (PIP) which I've only recently started using a lot. Wonderful feature. I bragged on it to my brother, who tried using it on his system, but the icon is not there. We've confirmed that the feature is enabled under UI settings.

Are there any other parameters that need to be set to enable it?


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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quick question about picture-in-picture (PIP) which I've only recently started using a lot. Wonderful feature. I bragged on it to my brother, who tried using it on his system, but the icon is not there. We've confirmed that the feature is enabled under UI settings.

Are there any other parameters that need to be set to enable it?
The web browser needs to have picture in picture supported and enabled (it should be enabled by default on any system where it is supported) and the H.264 player needs to be HTML5.