Blue Iris Version 5 is right around the corner!


Known around here
Jan 13, 2019
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United Kingdom
I'm having a problem understanding the upgrade options:
"upgrade keys will be available for purchase"
"prices for new licenses may increase"

As I have V4 and want to upgrade when it becomes available, do I need a new licence @ today's price of $59.99 or do I need an upgrade key? Which will be the cheaper option.

"As prices for new licenses may increase"
I think it's a given that the price for new licences will increase.

Please publish prices as soon as possible as I don't want to discover on 2 June that my only option is a $60+ licence when I could have bought a cheaper one in May.
I thought it was quite clearly worded.

Anybody buying the v4 product from the 1st of this month will be able to upgrade to v5 free of charge.
If you don't qualify for the above and assuming you don't have an existing extended support agreement in place then you can buy either of the 2 extended support agreements which will allow you to upgrade to v5, which you buy is entirely up to you.

Also at todays prices, using the link from this site you can make a full license purchase for $49.99.

The only unknown is what the new price(s) will be when v5 is released.


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Mar 9, 2014
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Fair points, but the problem is, Windows 10 is a flaming pile of junk that is being SHOVED down our throats. If you recall, Win7 was available from manufacturers pretty much up until Win10 was released - Now one can't get anything except Win10, not even 8.1 (Which IMO, 8 & 8.1 really weren't bad - their biggest shortcoming is that the UI was touch-centric and rather clunky if using a keyboard and mouse). The total shove to Windows 10 is unprecedented. Personally, I think Microsoft had egg on their face from the Win8/8.1 'fiasco' where no one would adopt it (refer to my previous 8/8.1 comment) and didn't want a repeat of that one, so they made some sort of deal with Intel and maybe other manufacturers to cease driver support for anything but Windows 10, thus leaving us with no choice and forcing 'an unprecedented adoption rate'. I suspect that Windows 10 would be Windows 8 all over again with regards to adoption if people actually had a choice.

One of the big issues I've had crop up from time to time is randomly, most likely after an update, all networking ceases to function. I finally tracked it down to something related to the Shrewsoft client that we need to use since Cisco no longer distributes their IPSec client. When this happens, you uninstall the Shrewsoft client and networking starts to work again. Of all of the Win10 installs I have to deal with, I have only one that has not had any issues whatsoever.That one is a VM running Enterprise LTSB that has all update services disabled and hasn't seen an update since it was installed. Every other machine has had some sort of random 'issue' (or issues) at one point or another. All the bloatware that is in Windows on fresh install has NO place in any version of Windows, ESPECIALLY Pro and above. LTSB is (essentially, except for all the telemetry garbage) the way ALL editions of Windows 10 should be as delivered by Microsoft (Now, if an OEM wants to add stuff to their image, so be it). You shouldn't have to go in and remove all this junk, some of which isn't too hard to get rid of, some of which requires powershell scripts to get rid of, from a freshly installed OS, only to have it reappear when the next update/upgrade is applied. I ran Windows 10 Pro for a while until I got tired of 'Candy Crush' and other bloatware 're-appearing' whenever it felt like it. I then moved to Enterprise LTSB and things really didn't get better. It worked fine for a while, then dementia/amnesia stated to set in (I ran LTSB longer than 'Pro'). The first issue I had was all of a sudden, after months of no issues, every time I launched SecureCRT, no matter what I did, it was as if it had been launched for the first time. The other, bigger issue that cropped up was after rebooting my machine, I couldn't remote desktop to anything for a random amount of time. No issues browsing the web, SMB, etc, but RDP? Nope. Then it would just start working for no apparent reason (Usually after 30+ minutes). Those are the two main issues that plagued me constantly once it started to lose its mind that immediately come to mind. And then there are the crashes. I completely lost track of how many times Win10 crashed on my machine. I finally got fed up, threw in the towel and went back to Win7 - and it has been rock solid since, on the same hardware (Ryzen7 1800X). I think I can count the number of crashes on one hand with no fingers.

Personally, I'd LOVE to see ReactOS really go somewhere and become a viable OS, but sadly, I don't see that happening since it's been 'in progress' for at least 14 years and isn't even out of alpha. I'd make the jump to Linux, but I have applications on my machine that I need Windows to run, so I'll just stick with Windows 7, or maybe upgrade to 8.1. I'm dreading the day that I have to upgrade something in my machine and can't get drivers for that hardware for anything but Windows 10 (Right now everything still has Win7 and 8/8.1 drivers available). I don't like having to reload my machine every six months to keep it from 'going stupid'. Personally, I certainly wouldn't trust Win10 to run something like BI that you want to be stable.
Windows 10 was not shoved down your throat. You were given many years of warning at Windows 7 will not be supported. You had all that time to move to a different operating system if you so chose. why would a manufacturer install an operating system that's going to be obsolete in a year or two?
Certainly we can deduce from your post that this is user error. I have over 20 Blue Iris machines running no problem all on Windows 10 pro and most of them have been running Windows 10 since its release. There are thousands of uses here running blue iris on Windows 10 with no problems. So in this case the only logical conclusion is that the user is a flaming pile... The key to a hassle-free set up is a clean windows install which is very easy to do and takes about 10 minutes with the Microsoft media creation tool on a USB drive.
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Known around here
Jan 13, 2019
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United Kingdom
If you think that 8/8.1 is better than 10 then there really is no hope for anyone.

I don’t agree with the types of updates and the way that they are forced on us but I use W10 everyday and I’ve never had any really issues that’s made me want to go back to 7.


Pulling my weight
Jan 16, 2017
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If you think that 8/8.1 is better than 10 then there really is no hope for anyone.

I don’t agree with the types of updates and the way that they are forced on us but I use W10 everyday and I’ve never had any really issues that’s made me want to go back to 7.
Agreed. Windows 8/8.1 was terrible. If anything that OS reminded me of Windows ME and Vista. They flopped straight out of the gate. I don't like that updates are forced on Windows 10/Server 2016 either, but I've been running Windows 10 for the last several years without any issues. We just stared rolling out Server 2016, but it has been stable as well.


Getting the hang of it
Sep 13, 2015
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Ok, but which are the new features of BI5? Which differences with BI4?
I think before talking of $ upgrade, should be necessary talking of the features to decide what to do.


Known around here
Jan 13, 2019
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United Kingdom
Ok, but which are the new features of BI5? Which differences with BI4?
I think before talking of $ upgrade, should be necessary talking of the features to decide what to do.
You’ll just have to be patient and wait like the rest of us to see what v5 brings as nobody knows as of yet.


Known around here
Jan 13, 2019
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United Kingdom
Agreed. Windows 8/8.1 was terrible. If anything that OS reminded me of Windows ME and Vista. They flopped straight out of the gate. I don't like that updates are forced on Windows 10/Server 2016 either, but I've been running Windows 10 for the last several years without any issues. We just stared rolling out Server 2016, but it has been stable as well.
I work in IT, yes I know it's very dull, bland and boring, YAWN! :) and I've been involved with rolling out Windows 10 for large customers, I'm talking some as large as 35k+ seats globally and there was only one ever issue that I can remember and that was nothing to do with Windows and something of an unknown at the time. We couldn't understand why out of hours deployments to the site would fail, turned out that for the site in Asia all company power is switched off sometime after office hours so that it could redirected for normal consumers and households.

For corporates MS are also mellowing, they are now allowing 18 months plus another 12 months, dependant on which exact release you are on before you really need to update to the latest all singing all dancing version.


Pulling my weight
Jan 16, 2017
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I work in IT, yes I know it's very dull, bland and boring, YAWN! :) and I've been involved with rolling out Windows 10 for large customers, I'm talking some as large as 35k+ seats globally and there was only one ever issue that I can remember and that was nothing to do with Windows and something of an unknown at the time. We couldn't understand why out of hours deployments to the site would fail, turned out that for the site in Asia all company power is switched off sometime after office hours so that it could redirected for normal consumers and households.

For corporates MS are also mellowing, they are now allowing 18 months plus another 12 months, dependant on which exact release you are on before you really need to update to the latest all singing all dancing version.
I work in IT as well. My role is a little more dynamic though as I now work for a MSP as a Systems Engineer. I used to work for a global fortune 500 company and was responsible for maintaining the corporate desktop images, which at the time was Windows 7. That is crazy that they actually turn of the power after hours. We had sites indifferent country's too, but that is a first for me to hear about the power getting turned off :)


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Ok, but which are the new features of BI5? Which differences with BI4?
I think before talking of $ upgrade, should be necessary talking of the features to decide what to do.
Yes, you wouldn't want to risk an entire $30 before knowing all the details about version 5. Have you bothered to look at the updates to Blue Iris in just the last year? Do you have reason to believe they will be no similar updates either beginning with version 5 or coming as version 5 evolves? Most users here appreciate the constant addition of new features in BI4 and are confident enough the risk $30 on an upgrade to Blue Iris 5. Some like you need to do an in-depth analysis with an Excel spreadsheet to determine whether or not to part with $30.


Getting the hang of it
Dec 15, 2017
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Yes, you wouldn't want to risk an entire $30 before knowing all the details about version 5. Have you bothered to look at the updates to Blue Iris in just the last year? Do you have reason to believe they will be no similar updates either beginning with version 5 or coming as version 5 evolves? Most users here appreciate the constant addition of new features in BI4 and are confident enough the risk $30 on an upgrade to Blue Iris 5. Some like you need to do an in-depth analysis with an Excel spreadsheet to determine whether or not to part with $30.
I dont mind paying for another license comparing the price vs other systems. Just like for example synology that charges 50-60USD pr camera BI pays itself in. Also that it is in active development is positive. But I cant see its any information about anything that we can experience - is it a full platform upgrade, or just came to an uprgrade state where its worth pushing it into V5. Personally I would love to see a new UI and stuff like that, but UI < stability and functionality.


Getting the hang of it
Sep 13, 2015
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Completely unneeded harshness.
30$ or 300$ is common practice always knowing what you are buying. Simple as that.
Probably it will worth it, nonetheless it's normal asking to know at least the major differences.
But to be honest I did not use ANY of the new features in BI in the last 2-3 years: I use it only to view 2 cams and use http commands to trigger something. Basic usage, yes.
So, yes I'm NOT that interested in crazy new features, so my asking.
IF there will be some features I could use, of course I'll buy it.


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Mar 9, 2014
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I dont mind paying for another license comparing the price vs other systems. Just like for example synology that charges 50-60USD pr camera BI pays itself in. Also that it is in active development is positive. But I cant see its any information about anything that we can experience - is it a full platform upgrade, or just came to an uprgrade state where its worth pushing it into V5. Personally I would love to see a new UI and stuff like that, but UI < stability and functionality.
who knows, who cares. Everyone is welcome to wait until after its released and pay a few bux more if they are no confident that they upgrade is worth an entire 30 bux. He mentioned in the release notes that he will be providing more info.


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Mar 9, 2014
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Completely unneeded harshness.
30$ or 300$ is common practice always knowing what you are buying. Simple as that.
Probably it will worth it, nonetheless it's normal asking to know at least the major differences.
But to be honest I did not use ANY of the new features in BI in the last 2-3 years: I use it only to view 2 cams and use http commands to trigger something. Basic usage, yes.
So, yes I'm NOT that interested in crazy new features, so my asking.
IF there will be some features I could use, of course I'll but it.
The harshness is needed. You are welcome to wait and find out for yourself what the new features are. I understand 30 bux is a lot of money and you will have to forgo a few starbucks trips. So for you, just wait and see because this is a large sum of money for you. You probably dont need blue iris at all, try some of the free options out there. More savings.


Getting the hang of it
Sep 13, 2015
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who cares of his good/bad days? Only rudeness and nonsense is visible, congratulations. Neither a teenager.

Oh fenderman, you, that can spend so much, ohhhhh my, why don't you make a round on apple/google store and buy some 30$ prog at random. "Oh but I don't need it", "Who cares? It's well written and updated and you don't need an excel sheet to decide. Go and buy. And iterate too"
Camomilla will help.


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Mar 9, 2014
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who cares of his good/bad days? Only rudeness and nonsense is visible, congratulations. Neither a teenager.

Oh fenderman, you, that can spend so much, ohhhhh my, why don't you make a round on apple/google store and buy some 30$ prog at random. "Oh but I don't need it", "Who cares? It's well written and updated and you don't need an excel sheet to decide. Go and buy. And iterate too"
Camomilla will help.
You fool, you missed his entire point.
No one asked you to buy anyting, no one is forcing you to buy anything, so why are you all in a tizzy making demands about what new features are going to be available... He mentioned that he's going to disclose some of them. If he chooses not to that's his prerogative. you are welcome to wait until they release to make your purchase. What part of that doesnt your tiny brain understand?


Getting the hang of it
Dec 15, 2017
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who knows, who cares. Everyone is welcome to wait until after its released and pay a few bux more if they are no confident that they upgrade is worth an entire 30 bux. He mentioned in the release notes that he will be providing more info.
Well I think it’s good to care, but I already paid for it twice plus extended support cause of the active development alone not cause of v5. But I can’t see why I should not care about v5?


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Well I think it’s good to care, but I already paid for it twice plus extended support cause of the active development alone not cause of v5. But I can’t see why I should not care about v5?
Simple, because it will be available in six weeks. No one knows what features and functions it has. Only the developer does. So like everyone else you'll have to wait, and I guarantee that you will survive. My point is if $30 is too big of a risk for someone to take they can wait until the official release and then make an informed decision as to whether they want to purchase the upgrade. It's really that simple.