Camera advice store entrance Dahua 5442 vs 5842


Getting the hang of it
Nov 29, 2017
Reaction score
Good afternoon,

I have been reading on this forum for a while now, and at home, I have the Dahua 5442 varifocal cameras around my house, which I am pleased with. I have my retail store, but the connected coax cameras must be replaced. I want to start with high resoltuion cameras aimed at the entrance doors, so that I have a good identification shot of the visitors.
Now I'm doubting between the Dahua 5442 4mp varifocal or the 5842 8mp varifocal turret camera.
During opening hours, poor lighting conditions are not a problem, so I'm considering the 8mp camera (More pixels in an environment with a lot of light can theoretically do no harm). The cameras are located inside the store
Backlight from outside can be a problem, but in situations like this, does that matter when choosing between these two cameras?

According to the DORI standard, the 5442 camera with this resolution is sufficient for identification.
I am curious about your feedback & tips.
Sorry for any spelling errors

The Automation Guy

Known around here
Feb 7, 2019
Reaction score
It really comes down to your goals and the difference in low light performance between the two cameras.

If your number one goal is to identify people coming into the store during normal business hours (and the lighting is always sufficient during those times), then certainly the higher resolution footage will help achieve that goal. On the other hand, if you also want that camera to be able to provide good footage during non-business hours when the ambient light is much worse, then the 5442 is probably a better option.

It sounds like the first situation is what you are looking for, so the higher resolution is probably the better option.