CPU maxing out... Thought it was powerful enough - ugh!


Young grasshopper
Apr 27, 2016
Reaction score
Lake Tahoe
Hi Friends,

I have a surveillance system I have been cobbling together - trying to accomplish this on a budget after spending way too much for a turnkey package that failed miserably. Thus, I started with a dozen or so Lorex 2MP cameras that I salvaged from a terrible Lorex NVR system that never worked properly - cameras dropping all the time, settings being wiped when the system would inexplictably revert to factory default settings, etc. It's a long and sad story, but you get the general idea! Anyway, while the NVR was junk, I learned their PoE cameras were actually re-branded Dahua units and I find they work pretty well.

Next I purchased a refurbished off-lease PC. Here are the specs:

Windows 10
HP 6200 Desktop
Intel Core i7 2600
3.4GHz 8M cache, Quad Core
Intel HD graphics (onboard)
WD 4TB Purple to store clips
(The OS is installed on a 250GB drive)

I installed Blue Iris and was able to connect 10 wired cameras before the system started grinding to a halt - CPU hits 95-100%. I thought the i7 quad core and RAM would let me get to at least 16 or 18 cameras, but it appears to not be the case.

BTW, prior to embarking on this odyssey, I did a clean install of Windows 10 on the machine. The only other programs I have installed on the system are Chrome browser and Norton Internet Security.

Does anyone have some suggestions regarding what my next step should be? I've thought about upgrading the processor (if my system would even tolerate that!), but a newer processor would likely cost more than the $330 I paid for the PC so I'd prefer to not go down that path, if possible.

Thanks in advance for your input!!


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
You need to use the direct to disk setting for each camera.. If you are running the demo then you need a licensed version for direct to disc to work.. Record tab, file format


Young grasshopper
Apr 27, 2016
Reaction score
Lake Tahoe
Thanks for the quick reply, I just changed that setting for each of the 10 cameras. No immediate effect. I rebooted the system. It briefly showed 79%, but then it spiked back up to 100%. None of the cameras were alerting/recording at the time.

I'm sure there are tons of adjustments I still need to make to fine-tune my configurations! I do have a licensed version, btw.
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