Foscam FI9821P setup


Young grasshopper
Aug 27, 2015
Anyone have any experience with the Foscam FI9821P? I'm using BI with some FI8910W's but would like to upgrade to 1280x720.

I'm an ex IT guy and had no problems setting mine up and opening the correct port on my router to allow access from outside my own network. The Android app is great!

I've heard of some cameras that require you to connect through routers overseas. This is evidently a "perk" for those who are unfamiliar with getting everything set up correctly.

I replaced several older FI8910W's with FI9821P units recently. The biggest differences after picture quality is they supply H.264 streaming video versus the older MJPEG, and the lack of a documented API. Fortunately, these cameras work excellently with Blue Iris and most iPhone and Android apps that recognize H.264 video streams. The Mad Hermit's blog has a great article about embedding snapshots in your own web pages, using just a little bit of JavaScript. Finally, they are OnVif compatible, which means you can use the (Windows) open-source utility Onvif Device Manager (ODM) to configure them.
Anyone have any experience with the Foscam FI9821P? I'm using BI with some FI8910W's but would like to upgrade to 1280x720.

I'm an ex IT guy and had no problems setting mine up and opening the correct port on my router to allow access from outside my own network. The Android app is great!

I've heard of some cameras that require you to connect through routers overseas. This is evidently a "perk" for those who are unfamiliar with getting everything set up correctly.

Consider the hikvision cube cameras and their rebranded cousins... You will get a much better image as well as pir motion detection, line cross detection that works with blue iris. If you get the 2.8 mm lens you can cover most rooms fully with no need for gimmicky pan tilt.

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