Front Door wedge cam install


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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This is part two of the camera installations at my front door. The first part was an install of a dual cam (Dahua IPC-HDBW4231F-E2-M aka BOOBIE CAM) as posted in THIS THREAD. The dual cam served as a "package cam" to see boxes left on the front porch as well as door hangers, post-it notes, business cards, etc and a "walkway cam" just to see those approaching the front door. This install is meant to show the view from the doorway using a wedge cam (Dahua IPC-HDBW4231F-AS). I might decide later to put it turn the lens 90 degrees so it's in corridor mode. For now I like how it can see all the way to the opposite wall in case someone is standing there. Most folks are installing their door cam at 5' 0" but I installed mine a few inches lower only because I wanted it centered up with the existing intercom/doorbell; yes, I'm anal about stuff like that. :screwy: I know that the topic of "how did you install it" has come up now and then on the forum. I'll make another post about the install process for those who are on the fence :nervous: about tearing into the walls as this location can sometimes be challenging depending on your house's construction. UPDATE: The installation can be seen in THIS THREAD.

In the corner about 1/8" from the wall behind it and mounted at 4' 9" (at center of the iris).

The house will be getting repainted within the next several months so I may paint it to match the body of the house.

As seen from "package cam".

It may later get turned 90 degrees later to put it in corridor mode...we'll see.
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Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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That looks great, nice and clean. And I'm with you on aligning it with the doorbell, it looks much better that way.

How is it when someone is standing right up at the door, can it see high enough to see their face? If not, that might help your decision to go corridor mode or not. Or if you still prefer landscape mode, then you can probably aim it upwards a bit. The good thing is, since you have the other camera to see packages and what's going on down low, you won't miss anything if you have to aim this one higher.

I'm anxious to hear about your "how did you install it" too!
I'm 6' 3", not the tallest guy but taller than average. When I stand two feet away from the lens (which is really weird because your face is almost in the corner) the camera view is cut off on the top of my hair. At 1.5 feet from the lens the top half of my head is cut off from view. Again, it'd be really weird for anyone to stand that close to the corner where the cam is mounted.
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Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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Here it is in corridor mode. From some testing I learned that standing at two feet from the camera (which again is weird unless you like standing in corners) it still is showing up to the top of my hair similar to horizontal mode but you can see down to my waist. But, now I can't see the area to the right of this screen shot which is about 3 feet of wall where two or three people could easily stand in that corner without me seeing them (again, that'd be weird). I'd have to look at my package cam to see if anyone was creeping over there. Imagine, one guy standing in that corner to jump you and another guy standing at the porch step with a friendly wave and smile. However, in horizontal mode someone would be crouching low below the cam and you would not see I went with a 2.8mm instead of 3.6mm for best FOV but it still has too much "zoom".

Corridor Mode.jpg
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