Giving up on PC + Blue Iris- should I try an NVR?


Known around here
Jan 13, 2019
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United Kingdom
You know nothing about my IT industry background or technical skills to make such a bold statement....but you can believe whatever false assumptions you want to make up. :idk:
He was replying to your everybody knows windows systems restart by themselves statement and if you truly believe that or have experienced it then it does sort of show that haven’t really configured windows to stop this?


Mar 1, 2019
Reaction score
I went a different way. I do not have any alerts stent to me, but the system does have that capability.
I did start with a NVR from Andy, but later due to power issues during a storm while I was away had too much trouble with the NVR when I returned home.
I purchased a used server computer with lots of ram and a 16 core processor for 500$
I installed Home Assistant OS with Frigate plugin. I use the drives pulled from my NVR to record to. I use the computer to do the AI processing. It records 24/7 and cpu is nearly asleep.
I set up a nice speaker that plays a nice door bell sound when a human is detected near my door. It also plays a car horn sound if a car is detected entering my driveway.
I am too far to hear the tornado siren (they are being decommissioned across the country) so another plugin gets alerts and plays a chime for a tornado watch, and a siren for tornado warning.
Frigate is designed to detect a wide variety of objects warm blooded and not. I do get false ID's on deer, and coons, but it general ID human and dog properly. Even when I am on the riding mower or tractor.
It was much work to set this all up, but I have really liked the results over the NVR.