Hikvision article in the Wall St. Journal


Known around here
Nov 18, 2014
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Thx for the screenshot. Darkfighters _are_ nice, BTW. I have one. I've also mounted one of the IPC-HDW5231R-Z Starlight varifocal domes next to one and compared them for a day or so at more-or-less-stock settings except for being locked at 1/60th exposure rate at night. Given the cost difference, you're probably better off going with the Dahua. I'd give the edge to the Darkfighter in moving facial detail (what you really want), but the overall scene looks a lot better with the Dahua (less grainy), most likely due to very aggressive noise reduction. Definitely go with the Dahua if you can't afford to put up the number of Darkfighters you'd need to cover everything properly. A great price on a Chinese region Darkfighter is at least twice the price of a Starlight varifocal turret, and you're limited to dome or bullet in the Darkfighter. Start talking upgradable North American Darkfighters and the price gap is HUGE. The battle could go either way if budget isn't a concern with firmware updates and some tweaking of the settings which I didn't do much of. The Dahua is definitely a great do-it-all camera. If you have a fixed budget and you can either have TWICE the cameras, save many hundreds of dollars, or put the savings into additional security features then Dahua all the way. The Dahua would knock the ball out of the park if it had an alarm input for PIR motion detection, but that lack relegates it to the back seat if you really want/need that level of intruder detection. Even then, I'd start looking at Dahua starlight bullets/domes with inputs. $$$


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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At work I see hundreds of thousands of cams knocking on our front door all day long and I am a rather insignificant corner of the universe. I really hope this is not a precursor to something much more sinister.
It's bad... 400k+ new malware variants a DAY. ( thanks to polymorphism )