How to configure to record to a pc


Getting the hang of it
Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
I have a 6 cam system, my nvr is a PC I'm on a domain

total newbie here so I'm nto sure how to set this up, no SD cards in the cams, my plan was to record to a PC.

Do I configure the recording on the actual CAM menu itself or do I program the IVMS4200 to record? When I try remote payback I get an error (no file) so I'm assuming I have to setup up the recording in the cam itself which I can ONLY do if I log into the cam via IP webbrowser.

now this is wher Im even more confused. I shared a path on the network, to "everyone" (i don't like this) and then logged into the cam and found this path. tried to record and it failed (must be a permissions issue) I then logged into the cam and pointed it to the local pc I was logging in with and it records, I switched it back to my shared folder and failed. I then logged into the SAME cam with a different PC and the path to record was default? I thought when I saved this path it would be save on the cam itself.

Maybe I'm not even setting this up on the right area, any advice would be helpful.

If I were to record on the PC with the IVMS4200 why doesn't it automatically record, I setup all the parameters yet I still have to manually click on the record button.

If I have to set this up on the cam itself. where would I put in the username and pass in the cam to record onto the proper share?

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Staff member
Oct 28, 2014
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Let's see if I can provide some pointers.
Though we don't know what firmware version you are using. This area varies somewhat with that.

You can either / or both record from a dedicated NVR or an NVR application such as IVMS-4200, which connects to the camera and pulls a video stream, or from the camera itself which can connect to a file share and push video data to a file.
Do you have the IVMS-4200 user manual? If not - download it. It will answer many questions, such as:
[FONT=Calibri,Bold][FONT=Calibri,Bold]Chapter 3 Remote Record Schedule Settings
and Playback
When the video storage devices are the HDDs, Net HDDs, SD/SDHC cards on the local device, or the
remote storage server connected, you can set the record schedule for the cameras for the continuous,
alarm triggered or command triggered recording. And the record files can be searched for the remote
You can also use the camera's inbuilt mini-NVR facilities to record.
Do you have the camera user manual? If not, download it and get the answers to many questions. For example:


Chapter 7 Storage Settings
[/FONT][FONT=Calibri,BoldItalic]Before you start:
To configure record settings, please make sure that you have the network storage
device within the network or the SD card inserted in your camera.
[FONT=Calibri,Bold][FONT=Calibri,Bold]7.1 Configuring NAS Settings
[/FONT][FONT=Calibri,BoldItalic]Before you start:
The network disk should be available within the network and properly configured to
store the recorded files, log files, etc.
1. Add the network disk
(1) Enter the NAS (Network-Attached Storage) Settings interface:
[FONT=Calibri,Bold]Configuration > Advanced Configuration > Storage > NAS
[/FONT][FONT=Calibri,Bold][FONT=Calibri,Bold]Figure 7-1
[FONT=Calibri,Bold][FONT=Calibri,Bold][/FONT][/FONT]Add Network Disk
(2) Enter the IP address of the network disk, and enter the default file.

Please refer to the [FONT=Calibri,Italic]User Manual of NAS [/FONT][FONT=Calibri,Italic][/FONT]for creating the file path.
(3) Click to add the network disk.

[/FONT]After having saved successfully, you need to reboot the camera to activate
the settings.
2. Initialize the added network disk.
(1) Enter the HDD Settings interface (
[FONT=Calibri,Bold]Advanced Configuration > Storage >[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri,Bold]Storage Management
), in which you can view the capacity, free space, status,
type and property of the disk.
[FONT=Calibri,Bold][FONT=Calibri,Bold]Figure 7-2
[/FONT]Initialize Disk
(2) If the status of the disk is
[FONT=Calibri,Bold]Uninitialized[/FONT][FONT=Calibri,Bold][/FONT], check the corresponding checkbox to
select the disk and click to start initializing the disk.
After you have added a network share to the storage definitions in the camera - it's necessary to format the connected volume. This places a large number of mostly empty files on the share, which will hold the recording data and the metadata that describes it.
You haven't specified what type of network protocol you selected in the camera - CIFS/SMB or NFS.
When you add an SMB/CIFS share to the camera, you do need to provide a valid username and password and access can be tested using the 'Test' button.

If it's an NFS share (more usually Linux/NAS than Windows PC) you need to set access permissions on the server, none are required on the camera.

Hopefully that's helped a bit.


Getting the hang of it
Mar 9, 2015
Reaction score
The wild wild west
I wish i could agree this works but I have tried this and it always shows the storage offline which it isn't and won't record to it. Heck even local recording won't work says the drive is full when its no where even close to being full

Let's see if I can provide some pointers.
Though we don't know what firmware version you are using. This area varies somewhat with that.

You can either / or both record from a dedicated NVR or an NVR application such as IVMS-4200, which connects to the camera and pulls a video stream, or from the camera itself which can connect to a file share and push video data to a file.
Do you have the IVMS-4200 user manual? If not - download it. It will answer many questions, such as:

You can also use the camera's inbuilt mini-NVR facilities to record.
Do you have the camera user manual? If not, download it and get the answers to many questions. For example:

After you have added a network share to the storage definitions in the camera - it's necessary to format the connected volume. This places a large number of mostly empty files on the share, which will hold the recording data and the metadata that describes it.
You haven't specified what type of network protocol you selected in the camera - CIFS/SMB or NFS.
When you add an SMB/CIFS share to the camera, you do need to provide a valid username and password and access can be tested using the 'Test' button.

If it's an NFS share (more usually Linux/NAS than Windows PC) you need to set access permissions on the server, none are required on the camera.

Hopefully that's helped a bit.