How to record daily segments continuously and keep a week's worth?

Jun 12, 2018
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Hello all,

I am new to Blue Iris and have tried Googling my issue but can't find a working result. I have also consulted the help guide within Blue Iris. A little back story - I have 9 IP cams (D-link) and used to use their recording software called D-Viewcam. Their software would crash on occasion which was annoying but it got the job done for the most part. I turned to Blue Iris when I recently went from Windows 7 to Windows 10 (fresh install, not upgrade) on my recording computer because D-Viewcam would crash repeatedly no matter what I tried to do. Blue Iris seemed to be my logical choice after doing some internet research so I went with it.

Now, I am trying to figure the software out and trying to get it to do what I want but can't figure it out. What I want to be able to do is record 24 hour segments continuously (not triggered by movement) for each camera and then start a brand new 24 hour recording file for the next day as a separate file. I then want to set up a rule of some sort/setting to keep about a week's worth of footage before deleting the earliest record (on day 8, it'd delete the day 1 recording) - I'm not worried about hard drive space for a week's worth of recordings. With that said, I'd basically want 63 separate video files (24 hours each) to be stored at any given time (9 cams x 7 days each). I'm sure this is something common to do but I couldn't find an answer or the settings to accomplish this. I hope that all makes sense on what I'm trying to achieve but if it doesn't, I can try to rephrase it somehow. It should be possible in Blue Iris especially if I easily did it in the free D-Viewcam software, I just can't find those right Blue Iris settings to accomplish that task. Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you in advance! :)


IPCT Contributor
Sep 25, 2016
Reaction score
Evansville, In. USA
Hello all,

I am new to Blue Iris and have tried Googling my issue but can't find a working result. I have also consulted the help guide within Blue Iris. A little back story - I have 9 IP cams (D-link) and used to use their recording software called D-Viewcam. Their software would crash on occasion which was annoying but it got the job done for the most part. I turned to Blue Iris when I recently went from Windows 7 to Windows 10 (fresh install, not upgrade) on my recording computer because D-Viewcam would crash repeatedly no matter what I tried to do. Blue Iris seemed to be my logical choice after doing some internet research so I went with it.

Now, I am trying to figure the software out and trying to get it to do what I want but can't figure it out. What I want to be able to do is record 24 hour segments continuously (not triggered by movement) for each camera and then start a brand new 24 hour recording file for the next day as a separate file. I then want to set up a rule of some sort/setting to keep about a week's worth of footage before deleting the earliest record (on day 8, it'd delete the day 1 recording) - I'm not worried about hard drive space for a week's worth of recordings. With that said, I'd basically want 63 separate video files (24 hours each) to be stored at any given time (9 cams x 7 days each). I'm sure this is something common to do but I couldn't find an answer or the settings to accomplish this. I hope that all makes sense on what I'm trying to achieve but if it doesn't, I can try to rephrase it somehow. It should be possible in Blue Iris especially if I easily did it in the free D-Viewcam software, I just can't find those right Blue Iris settings to accomplish that task. Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you in advance! :)
Yes, this can be done. See the Tutorial videos. Blue Iris Video Tutorials