Lightning Strike


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
I liked how two of the guys stayed near the truck and ignored the one rolling on the ground in pain. Wonder if he go burned or just a bad impact from the concussion.


Known around here
Feb 4, 2020
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Minnesota USA
I remember a lightning strike at Port Barrington Marina back in the early 80's. I had just used a bobcat to position a boat for a stern drive removal under the hoist. My boss came out with the tools, and sent me inside to close up the barn doors due to a dark sky with a storm looming. Lightning hit the big I-beam on the boat hoist, and a leg of it went into the boat and melted every wire in the entire boat. My boss came walking in shaking with burn on his right hand. he was just starting to ratchet off the first bolt. and it musta traveled into him a little bit cuz his arm wouldn't stop shaking....We both got lucky....
That was the last time either of us pushed the envelope on coming inside when it was apparent thunderstorms were rolling in.


Getting comfortable
Nov 8, 2019
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Beacon, NY
A few years ago our house took an indirect hit. My wife and I were in the house when it hit. There was a flash and It just sounded like a big thunder boom, nothing special. That was until we started finding nothing was working anymore.

I have a 4' high fence for the dogs that is about 700' long. At the top of it I ran a solar powered fence charger to keep the larger animals in the woods out. It literally blew the fence charger apart. On that side of the house everything that was connected to my cat 5 lan system except for one computer was destroyed. I lost my Synology system, 3 computers, a router, cable tv modem and a boatload of line voltage appliances.
The adjusted started talking about 'power surges' (not covered apparently) but the charred pieces of the fence charger settled the discussion. The charger was located about 50' from the house and is not connected to anything in the house.
He told me at the time we would be finding things affected for months. He was wrong. We found stuff destroyed over a year later. ie I had installed a drill press relay so I could have a low voltage foot switch. The transformer in the relay was a crispy critter. I took down a hall light a year later to do some wall painting and found the insulation burned off the wires. I checked several other fixtures - same deal :(
In the end the insurance company was really good but it was an experience I wouldn't wish on anyone.


Getting the hang of it
Jan 22, 2021
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Lightning Strike

Timberline Landscaping
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Last summer lightning struck like 15 meters far from me. Scary shit.