Looking for some insight on a long driveway camera setup


Young grasshopper
Aug 11, 2016
Reaction score
I have a customer that wants a camera at the end of his driveway. Here's the issue. The driveway is a winding 1300 foot long driveway through woods. No power, no line of sight from home to driveway end.
Getting power out there may be a possibility as he is probably getting a gate as well.
I'm at a bit of a loss at how to approach this. Ive done access point to point cameras in the past but I doubt they would see each other through all the woods in between.
Any help/ideas would be appreciated.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
Reaction score
Denver, CO
sounds like your going to need to trench a fiberoptic cable out there with the power; and if your installing an electric gate in the woods it'll be a lightning magnet.. so probably a good idea.

You can get media converters tha'll take the data from copper to fiber and back so you dont have to get switches/cameras with Fiber ports..

Might hire a journeyman w/Fiber laying experience, they can terminate the fiber for you and sell it to you by the foot.. you just put down some conduit and call him out.
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IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
Reaction score
Denver, CO
If you cant get line of sight just forget about wireless; its going to be manditory at those distances.. cant count on reflections off other objects to get around obstacles.

Getting higher than tree's is usually alot more engineering; and then the trees can grow even taller and in 10-15 years they start having issues again.. but if this is something you want to try then I'd recommend you build something like this on both sides: Tilt-Over Mast - The RadioReference Wiki

There are non-fiber options that can send data far down a heavier gauge pair of wires.. but they are rather expensive and then your going to need to add a bunch of electrical protection to your network to keep a lightning strike out in the woods from frying all the devices plugged into the network... I dont think there gona be much more if any cost effective than good old reliable fiber.