Mail theft


Pulling my weight
Aug 30, 2014
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Yeah, it's me again with the latest capture! :mad-new:

This is the 3rd or 4th time this lady does the same thing in my street and to be honest I think she is not right upstairs (if you know what I mean). She's the main reason I decided to add a sensor to the mailbox, so at least that paid off. Previous incidents show her inserting stuff in the mailboxes and leaving them open (you can see her doing that at the beginning of the video), but this time she actually removed our mail which of course we forgot to get today (Murphy's law). Unfortunately I didn't noticed before confronting her, so I reported the incident to the local PD. Her excuse was she was doing her job of distributing advertisement material, which of course was a lie. Patrol cars were not able to find her. There are some weird people out there, so keep your cameras running!

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Getting comfortable
Sep 13, 2015
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Great Vid. What are you using as your sensor on the letter box? What PTZ cam is that? Was that a manual preset or move to preset on alarm?


Pulling my weight
Aug 30, 2014
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Great Vid. What are you using as your sensor on the letter box? What PTZ cam is that? Was that a manual preset or move to preset on alarm?
I'm using a wireless sensor connected to my Vista 20p home alarm system. It's setup to trigger a scene in my Veralite which calls a preset once my mailbox is opened and after 15 seconds return to previous position.
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Getting the hang of it
Jul 8, 2015
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Nice setup..

I'd have lost my sh*t ... She's already carrying so much by the time she gets to yours that it looked like she was carrying a baby from a distance.

Did you show the cops the vid?


IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
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Megatroplis, USA
My name is Michelle, Michelle Meth Mouth.
And how do you know that? How do you know she's a drug addict? There's a lot of troubled people in the world. Steer clear of them. But there's no need to humiliate them.


IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
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Megatroplis, USA
Hmm, let's see...
I'm going to make this single reply and then I'll be done with this, regardless of any response it may elicit. You saw a 1:22 second video of this event. Except for the fact that this person is stealing mail it's unreasonable to conclude much from this video, let alone jumping to the conclusion that this woman is a drug addict. Don't mistake my contention for a bleeding heart politically correct condoning of her behavior. The fact is, you don't know what this woman's deal is, and to call her names in public is a tad cruel IMO. The homeowner has many ways he or she might choose to deal with this issue, including getting the post office and/or the police involved...or the tactic I would employ, which is to confront her in the street and put a such a serious scare into her that I doubt she'd ever be back. Regardless of how this shakes out, there's enough pain in the world without adding to it by calling her names based on sketchy assumptions. Remember the Golden Rule is what I'm hinting at. Take it for what you will brother; no offense intended. Q out!


Getting the hang of it
Jul 10, 2015
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I'm using a wireless sensor connected to my Vista 20p home alarm system. It's setup to trigger a scene in my Veralite which calls a preset once my mailbox is opened and after 15 seconds return to previous position.
The range on this is sufficient to pick up from the end of the driveway reliably? I sure could use one of these.
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Young grasshopper
Apr 24, 2015
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N. California
As someone who lives in a red light district and sees a lot of stuff I think she is more 51-50 than tweeker (not zombie enough). I would get a locking mailbox with slot and be done with it.



Getting the hang of it
Jan 6, 2015
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Of course, some certifiably mentally ill people are also illegal drug users (impulse to self medicate) and vice versa so the line becomes rather blurred. The fact that she's (a) making no effort to conceal her activity and (b) giving nonsensical explanations about "delivering circulars" after midnight does indicate some sort of competence issue, whether its self-inflicted via drugs or actual organic mental illness ... or both ... who knows.

When I was growing up, we always heard that messing with anybody's mail was a "Federal Offense" because it's the US mail. The FBI will hunt you down! However, some condos near me recently had their entire mailbox module (20 boxes) ripped out of the wall and carted away with mail still inside the boxes. I was told they got a very lackadaisical response from both the post office and the PD. Fill out forms, etc. Like UPS package stealing, it's another one of those crimes that's becoming "mainstreamed".


Getting the hang of it
Mar 22, 2014
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Couple of points (not that anyone cares what I think):
1) It is indeed illegal for anyone other than the postman to access your box, or even anything on/around it's post/support. The only exception is hand-delivered newspapers on Sundays or federal (postal) holidays. Otherwise your box is OFF LIMITS to any non-postage activity!
2) The gal risks her own humility, when the consciously chose to victimize someone else...this was planned with guise (flyers, illegal) and performed after midnight to evade detection.
3) 'Reasonable' requires plenty of exercise during trials due to 'reasonable doubt'...based on that definition, I DON'T find it unreasonable others would conclude she is a tweeker.
4} I don't have Facebook or Twitter accounts (never have) due to the overwhelming human tendency to use it as a soundboard for insults and negativity..and I find MOST people annoying anyway. Still, I/we are also witnessing the degradation of our freedom of speech, when insults become criminal/hate speech...VERY disturbing, but no one seems to care. Just another right removed, no biggie.


Young grasshopper
Oct 9, 2014
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Victoria Australia
I'm using a wireless sensor connected to my Vista 20p home alarm system. It's setup to trigger a scene in my Veralite which calls a preset once my mailbox is opened and after 15 seconds return to previous position.
Nice set up and your use of it!
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Pulling my weight
Sep 16, 2014
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Simply, as mentioned late in this thread, it is patently and undeniably illegal for an advertiser to access your mailbox. In fact, I think it is strictly speaking illegal for them to even attach something to the outside of the mailbox (though prosecution of that is highly unlikely even if it is illegal).

Clear, unequivocal law that the only people who can access your mailbox are you or USPS. What she is doing is fraudulently delivering mail (if she is indeed dropping stuff off) without paying for postage.

I'd have none of it, to be honest. This is unacceptable behavior.

I put up non-digital mail box alert on mine for this reason. I don't get alerts when it goes off, but when my mailbox is opened a flag pops up so I can at least check the video later to see if any of the stupid kids in the 'hood were fiddling around.

As far as this lady being a meth mouth, geeze, if you don't like the joke just ignore it. Who cares. Maybe she is a meth head, maybe she is the most perfect, selfless person in the universe. She isn't reading this thread either way.