Motion detection troubleshooting


Jul 2, 2020
Reaction score
North Carolina
I recently bought a couple of Reolink cameras and set up the evaluation version of BI x64. The cameras are streaming at 5 MP, 20 fps. I'm having a really hard time tuning the motion detection. In short, none of the settings seem to be having any effect - especially the minimum duration.

For instance, on my back yard camera, I am having a lot of bugs fly by, and it is alerting multiple times per minute at night. I know it's an issue for motion detection, but I have tried to turn the sensitivity down.

Here are my motion sensor settings. I turned the minimum duration up to 5 seconds, and increased the minimum object size.

In addition, I turned "Object travels" up to 200 pixels and defined zones B, C and D as below (A is roughly the three put together, plus the graph):

1593741856725.png 1593741885240.png 1593741935383.png
I set the alert to trigger only on motion zones A, B and C, and told it to delay firing for 3 seconds, and set up MQTT to fire an alert on Home Assistant for these same three zones.
1593742016404.png 1593742076198.png

I also have set up However, I still get alerts for motion such as this. While the bug is relative large and has a lot of contrast with the picture due to the IR lights, it is only in the picture for 3 frames and doesn't even touch zones B, C or D. The thumbnail also notes that the motion only touches zones AEH. The alert to Home Assistant fires also. My expectation is that with my current setup, there would need to be sustained motion in either zones A, B or C for at least 5 seconds for any of these alerts to trigger.



I am recording continuously, so from a recording standpoint this isn't a big deal - although it would be nice not to have this broken up into short clips. The bigger issue is that I want to tie actions in Home Assistant to these alerts, but right now I just can't do that. It seems like any changes I make have no effect.

I've got a week or so left on the evaluation so I'm trying to get this nailed down to make a decision whether to spend the money for the license or not. I'm hoping that there is just something simple I'm not understanding, but it's just not usable for me yet.



Getting the hang of it
Feb 26, 2017
Reaction score
have you tried removing the hotspot zone? it really isn't meant to cover a huge area like that and you shouldnt really be needing it at all with your zone crossings set up. its possible theres a bug that hotspot fires alerts regardless, but not sure.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
have you tried removing the hotspot zone? it really isn't meant to cover a huge area like that and you shouldnt really be needing it at all with your zone crossings set up. its possible theres a bug that hotspot fires alerts regardless, but not sure.
That is not a bug. Hotspot's entire purpose is to fire regardless of settings.
From the help file
Hot Spot zone
This is a zone for special applications only and should not be generally used. Objects or
motion in this zone will override the make time and other rules and force an immediate
trigger. This can result in a huge number of false triggers, so it should be used with caution.


Getting the hang of it
Feb 26, 2017
Reaction score
trigger yes, alert no. he has alerts unchecked for zone H. but i agree it shouldnt be used here.


Jul 2, 2020
Reaction score
North Carolina
An update here - I followed DarkHelmet's advice and deleted the hotspot zone. (I honestly didn't remember I had put anything there, but I must have when I was playing around.) It's only been dark for about 30 minutes, but so far no triggers from bugs so it's looking good. Since I didn't have the hotspot zone selected in any of my alerts I did not think the hotspot zone would trigger the alert, so I guess that was my misunderstanding.