Motion Detection Via Cameras for BI?


Nov 17, 2019
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I have a Hikvison IPC-T2385G-I and Dahua IPC-HDW2231R-ZS running on Blue Iris. My system is set up and running and stable, now I am ready to tune the motion detection. Right now I am getting alerts based on the BI settings in the trigger menu for each camera. I would like to get more refined so that I am not getting alerts for every passing car that runs in front of my home. Would I be better off configuring BI's motion detection settings setting up different zones in BI or setting up the motion detection and different zones within the camera settings and then triggering BI off the camera motion alarms? Will using the camera's motion detection help save on the overall computer process load as well?


IPCT Contributor
Dec 5, 2016
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I’ve switched from BI doing alerts to cameras doing alerts on three of my cameras and didn’t notice any change in processor load.

IMO, BI usually gives more options when you have complex motion detection situations. But some of these new AI cameras are pretty good at doing their own motion detection...

For the three cameras where I use the camera instead of BI, one of the cameras has a PIR sensor built in that’s almost 100% accurate and the other two have Dahua’s new AI that can filter motion and only trigger it it detects people and/or vehicles. That’s also been very accurate for me.

What’s nice is that BI makes it easy to do both on the same camera. When I first started testing Dahua’s AI, I also ran BI alerts on those cameras. Once I saw the cameras weren’t missing any, I turned off the BI alerts.

There is an issue with Dahua firmware where having BI subscribe to PullPoint (to get IVS alerts) results in the cameras enabling basic motion detection (which you prob don’t want when you’re using IVS). You can manually login to the camera after BI connects to it and turn off motion detection, or it’s pretty easy to set up a BI alert that will use the curl utility to send a command to the camera to turn it back off.