neighbor scratching my car


Jun 5, 2018
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Hello folks. I live in a townhouse with two units and an assigned parking space next to that of my neighbor. He has been scratching the passenger side of my car for a while. I warned him before which didn't change his habit of swinging doors wide open. I recently installed a small armcrest wifi camera at the top of the backdoor, but due to the angle (I can't install it anywhere else, unfortunately), I am not sure whether the footage could be used as an evidence in an insurance or small claims case. I am uploading one of the videos where he is seen opening the backdoor of his car right into the quarterpanel of my car. Now there is a scuff right on the gas lid of my car.

I guess there are more experienced camera footage people here, could you please check the video in the below link and let me know if you think this could act as an evidence?


Thank y'all.


Known around here
Feb 9, 2016
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Seattle, Wa

Y'all welcome to the forum! We were all new to cameras once, so don't take the following as harsh or hyper-critical.

Your video points out several things that are working against you.
- your camera has a wide FOV (Field Of View). That works well for short range, like people near the door. But sucks to see details at a distance.
- the video doesn't get a good facial shot. Positively identifying the person in court would be difficult. Sure, you know it's your neighbor. But would a judge agree the video is clear enough for a "positive Id"?
- With a too-wide FOV, the cam shows "What Happened", (in your case, maybe), but "Who Did It". (succinctly said by @looney2ns )
---- Your cam captures your porch ceiling. Great. If anyone steals it, you'll have great video!
- The camera placement has problems. The video doesn't show the neighbor's door hitting your car. Unless the cam is moved, even a cam with a longer FOV won't give compelling evidence of who did the damage.

I recently installed a small armcrest wifi camera at the top of the backdoor, but due to the angle (I can't install it anywhere else, unfortunately)
I think you're letting yourself off the hook. Sure, you
a) bought the wrong cam (too-wide FOV), and
b) mounted it in the wrong spot (to get compelling video), but
c) to say that's the best You can do?

That cam, mounted where you mounted it, will only deliver low quality video. Unlike TV, cams can't look around corners, or enhance video without pixelation.

This forum can't help you if you aren't open to basic changes.

Affordable suggestions:
- Put that WiFi cam on a 2x4 put into a rock/sand filled bucket. Easier than mounting on the house.
- move the bucket & cam to an ideal vantage point, while viewing the live video to tweak placement.
- put the bucket/cam between decoys, to not tip off the neighbor. Maybe next to a garbage can close to parking area?
- Put the WiFi cam in the car. Maybe your car shakes from the impact of your neighbor's car?
- A discrete cam may not change your neighbor's door dinging behavior. Maybe your cam, if prominent, and a sign that states clearly, "video is being recorded", would be enough.

Lastly, to avoid contentious relations with the neighbor, and to foster his cooperation, say your cam is due to someone taking stuff from your car when you forgot to lock it. (fib a little). Secondly, the cam has shown "door checkers" coming through regularly. Thirdly, if your neighbor ever has his car burgled or damaged, you might share video evidence to help him.

Be his ally, to protect his car and yours. Byproduct: He might just clean up his act, and not door your car.

Other than that, consider magnetic door strip that protect the car from door dings while at home.

Again, welcome to the club!
If looney2ns chimes in, make sure to give him a "Like"
He's filling the vacuum left by Legendary Nayr, with help by mat200.

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Jun 5, 2018
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Thanks Fastb. My choice of camera and placement were both constrained. The only way for me to install this camera discretely was to mount it at the top of the kitchen door (inside). Alternatively, I can install an outdoor camera at the top of the porch, but that would be obvious. I think I wouldn't have any problem with identification as the parking spaces are registered to cars in our community (tags are seen), but the angle, as you have mentioned, is terrible. I started to park the car at an angle that reveals the passenger side of my car toward the camera, but I am not sure whether that would suffice. I definitely don't want a war with the neighbors, but they seem to be too oblivious that it seems almost on purpose. The damage is small each time, but the scuffs and scratches started to add up; the whole passenger side is full of scratches. Maybe I will talk to the community manager first, I feel really helpless with this, I am not the kind of person who would try to physically intimidate people, although I should say it feels like a really attractive option now...


Jun 5, 2018
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"- A discrete cam may not change your neighbor's door dinging behavior. Maybe your cam, if prominent, and a sign that states clearly, "video is being recorded", would be enough." I will mention this to the management as well, probably they would pass it to the neigbours.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Hello folks. I live in a townhouse with two units and an assigned parking space next to that of my neighbor. He has been scratching the passenger side of my car for a while...
Hi @kneb86 ,

Due to the way parking is configured in your situation, and after viewing the video - you're probably going to have to accept people opening their doors and hitting your car.

Sorry, I know it sucks - but that's how it is, you just can't protect yourself easily from others from opening their car doors into your car.

Now, I thought he actually keyed your car.. which would be a different story.

I've seen, heard, and experienced significantly worse neighbors - significantly worse, so count your blessings so far.

Do take @Fastb and @bigredfish advice and get a good quality camera with enough zoom to cover your parking spot.


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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I'm in agreement with all the camera advice posted.

Also, if I were a judge or jury watching the video, I would have to say that the video didn't show his door hitting your car. That's not to say it didn't happen, but I just don't see any conclusive evidence of it happening. First he opens the rear door of his car, and it appears to have been far enough back to not hit your car, the way I look at the video. Then he opens the driver door, and again it really doesn't show an impact. It could have happened, but he video doesn't show it beyond any doubt. Sorry!

The removable bumper strips are a really good idea.


IPCT Contributor
Sep 25, 2016
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Evansville, In. USA
People suck in general. ;) Too many have their head up their asses, and are oblivious to everything around them. Leaving kids in locked cars on a hot day....come'on, really?

I have sat in parking lots waiting for my wife and watched douche bags get out of the car, and hit mine, and they can see me. They simply have no regard for anything or anyone. /off soapbox.

I agree with @bigredfish , discreet doesn't cut it. Get a good cam, with a varifocal lens, place it where you can use the zoom to watch your car closely. It'll get ugly, unless you totally let him get away with it.
This cam would do the job.
Review-Dahua IPC-HDW2231RP-ZS Starlight Camera-Varifocal


Known around here
Mar 29, 2015
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almost to the bottom
Maybe a dash cam mounted inside the car that faces the neighbors car. This would give you another view of when the damages occur.