New from Far Northern Caifornia

Oct 13, 2017
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I am new to security cameras and completely lost when it comes to a lot of the settings mine talk about. I bought my first one from Amazon after a bear climbed my back fence, then my chicken wire pen fence, ripped the front of both sections of a small pend I was raising some juvenile chickens in and ate 4 of my them, then climbed back out in another spot. The only proof I have that it was a bear is the huge bends in the chicken wire, the ripped off wooden cage fronts...oh and the big muddy bear paw print on the fence where it climbed over. I had also been loosing a lot of pond fish to something so I bought a couple of affordable security wifi cameras and placed them where I could record anything else that might go after my critters (along with putting a baby monitor out by the chicken pen so I can hear any ruckus out there at night). Now I have added one by the front door and have ordered forth one for a wider view of the front yard. My husband passed away in February so I am alone now except for the dogs so am appreciating the sense of security they provide. Not knowing much about them I bought ones I could afford that had good reviews so ended up with 3 Amcrests. The have worked well for me but I have heard since that are not always the best choice and the reviews are often fake. BUt they are what they are so I will stick with them until they stop working for me. I am not pleased with their options for monitoring and playback though so am looking at Blue Iris as a replacement for their monthly service per camera. I am wondering if I try the 1 camera option at $29.99 and decide I like it well enough will I be able to upgrade and pay the difference of $20.00 to go to the full version or would I have to repurchase at the full $59.99?

Mike A.

Known around here
May 6, 2017
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Not sure about the upgrade from single to full. You can contact them directly for that.

But the better way to do it would be to just run BI as a demo for the first 30 days. That will give you a good intro at no cost.
Oct 13, 2017
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Thanks for the feedback on that. I am kind of stuck with wireless as I am not physically capable of running a wired system and it's not really in the budget either. It was appealing to me for this reason. I don't plan to add any additional cameras any time soon so hopefully BI will be able to handle the 4 I already have purchased (only 3 installed yet though) I have only had minor issues in the several months I have had them such as temporary loss of recording that required a reboot. I would still be able to view live shots, but the individual camera would not record and motion activity overnight for 1 night and I would have to reboot.